Meets Your Boyfriend

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You're 19

Your POV

"Babe, what if he hates me?" My boyfriend Tyler asked me nervously.

"Michael won't hate you Ty" I smiled, reassuring him. We walked hand in hand to the restaurant where we were meeting Michael, I thought it was time the two of them met. I saw Michael at a table, I waved and headed over.

Tyler let go of my hand, and pulled out my chair for me, before pulling out his own. I could see a small smile on Michaels face.

"Tyler this is Michael my brother, Michael this is Tyler my boyfriend." I smiled, introducing the two.

"It's nice to meet you Tyler, (Y/N) never shuts up about you!" Michael laughed, I glared at him before kicking his leg under the table.

"You're adorable!" Tyler smiled at me, intertwining our hands, placing a kiss on my temple.

"So Tyler, tell me about yourself?" Michael said.

"Well I like music, All Time Low, Green Day, Coldplay, Fall Out Boy, sort of bands like that, I play a few video games."

"More than a few" I laughed, causing both Michael and Tyler to smile.

"Okay, I play a lot of video games, I read a little and play guitar."

"Good choice of bands, we'll have to play against each other on COD or GTA soon." Michael said.

"Sure, sounds great." Tyler smiled, his nerves looked to be settling.

-Little Bit Later-

"It was nice to meet you Michael!" Tyler said, as we got ready to leave.

"You too man." Michael said. "I'll see you soon! (Y/N)? You coming over tomorrow?"

"I think so, yeah. see you later bro" I smiled, hugging him.

"I approve" he whispered in my ear, I don't think I could of smiled any bigger.

Intertwining my hands with Tyler's we began to walk towards his car to head back to his place.

"I told you he'd love you." I smiled, nudging him slightly.

You're 18
Your POV

"Ashton, my boyfriend might be coming over if you're up for meeting him?" I said to my brother. I thought it would be a good time for Ashton and Leo to meet.

"Sure, why not?" Ashton shrugged.

I sent a quick text to my boyfriend, telling him to come on over if he wanted to meet Ashton still. About half an hour later the door bell rang, I jumped out my seat and went to the door before Ashton could.

"Hey." I smiled as I saw Leo stood there. He gently pulled me into a quick hug.

"Hey, I'm a little nervous." He laughed. I looked up at him, my arms still around his waist. "You'll be fine." I smiled, tip toeing and placing a peck on his lips.

I led my boyfriend into the lounge, where Ashton was laid out on one of the sofas, he turned and smiled at us both.

"Ash, this is Leo. Leo, this is Ashton." I smiled introducing the two.

You're 18
Your P.O.V

"Cal, I want you to meet someone.." I said to my older brother. "I was thinking at a night out tonight?"

"Sure, who?" He asked.

"My boyfriend, I thought it'd be a good time for you both to meet."

Time skip

I'd just finished my make up and getting dressed when the doorbell rang, I was on my way down when I saw Calum had already answered it.

"Hey Babe." I smiled to my boyfriend, as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, you look beautiful." He winked, causing me to blush.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I smiled. " Cal, this is my boyfriend Derek, Derek this is my brother Calum"

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N) told me a lot about you." My boyfriend smiled.

By the end of the night, they got on incredibly well. I was so happy.

"Cal, I'm going over Derek's tonight ok?" I said. "And what'd you think?" I said to my brother, while Derek was in the bathroom.

"He's perfect for you, he makes you happy."

"So you approve?" I grinned.

"Yeah." Calum smiled, nodding.

You're 18
Luke's P.O.V

I came home from tour, excited to see all my family again. After getting off the airplane and seeing some fans I headed straight towards my family home. I was finally going to see them all again.

I opened the door and put my bags down, I heard noises from upstairs, following the sound I learnt it came from (Y/N)'s room, it sounded a lot like someone having sex but she wouldn't be, would she?

I opened the door, my eyes going wide at the site in front of me. (Y/N) and a guy doing the deed, I covered my eyes. "Oh my god! Get some clothes on, both of you!" I said before walking out the room.

Your POV

Oh my, this isn't how I wanted Luke to meet Dylan, not at all. It wasn't meant to be this way.

"Is that..?" Dylan asked hesitantly.

"Luke?" I said. "Yeah, it is."

"Oh shit." He said with his eyes wide. "He's gonna hate me now isn't he? I didn't want to meet him this way, I wanted to make a good impression!"

"Dylan, look at me." I said holding his face in my hands. "Don't panic okay? We'll get dressed and go and talk to him now."

After we both got dressed we walked to where Luke was, hand in hand.

"Hey Luke.."  I said nervously. "Um, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend Dylan, we've been dating almost a year now.."


"I tried telling you, you never spoke or hardly listened when you did. I just left it in the end. I didn't want you to meet him this way." I said, feeling Dylan give my hand a small squeeze.

"I'm really sorry we met this way Luke. I'd of liked it a much different way." Dylan laughed awkwardly.

"Oh trust me, I feel the same way." Luke laughed. "It's nice to meet you Dylan."


I hope you guys enjoyed, I thought this was a little cute so here ya go. Also I felt super lazy so I kinda didn't proof read 100%. Enjoy xo

QOTD: are you guys taking or just finished any finals/GCSEs/assignments?
AOTD: I'm not, I finished completely with college the other week

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