Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Naruto's P.O.V.:

"Hinata? What are you doing here?? And is that really you???" I asked as my eyes drank in the sight of her.

She was wearing a white lace nightgown that was almost see through and it ended right at her thighs...


"Uhm... Erm... Err..." Hinata stammered as she blushed furiously. "I-i-i w-w-was just hanging out h-h-here... What-what are y-y-you doing he-r-r-e???" she asked as her eyes locked with mine.

It's cute to see her blush...

"I came here to clear my mind from the hectic party... And am also enjoying myself." I teased as I raked my eyes over her body.

Damn the alcohol must be taking control over me.

"We-ll, w-well what do you want?!" she squeaked and I widened my eyes.

"Hinata, you're seriously asking me, a man, what I want with you wearing something like that?" I asked as I advanced towards her. "Are you trying to tempt me?"


Hinata's P.O.V.:


Naruto got it all wrong! I asked him what does he want in reference as to why was he talking to me!

Naruto better stop teasing me like that before I die of a heart attack!

"If you're trying to do that then you're doing it right..." he murmured as he stopped in front of me, whispering into my neck and I smelled his breath.

He was heavily under the influence of alcohol...

I silently used my Byakugan to check his chakra flow and yes, he's actually 50% drunk...

I shouldn't go along with this as much as I want this to happen but things got a bit out of hand...

"Hinata..." Naruto growled as he nibbled my earlobe. "Did you know all this while when I'm talking to Shion, I'm comparing her to you in my mind..."

I swallowed my saliva as I pieced what he said, Shion was the blonde haired girl he was talking to back at the sake bar..

"Erm... Why-why were you-you thinking of me?" I asked nervously as his hands rested on my hips and he suddenly carried me bridal style.

"Why not I show you why I was thinking about you..." he said with a devilish grin as he rushed me back home to his house, not even waiting for my reply...


Naruto kicked his door closed and started devouring Hinata's lips as he pushed her up against the wall.

The beautiful bluenette panted slightly and Naruto pushed his tongue into her, memorizing her cavern..

Hinata decided to massage his tongue and Naruto suddenly gripped her hips which is sure to leave bruises the next day.

Hinata yelped as Naruto sucked hard on her tongue. After a few minutes, he let her appendage go and they were both panting, looking into each other's eyes.

Hinata's lips trembled as she thought of something to say but Naruto beat her to it.

"Hinata... Will you be my friend with benefits?" Naruto asked her straightforwardly and her pale lavender eyes widened.

"Erm... Naruto? Why did you ask me such a question???" she whispered as Naruto growled and suckled on her neck.

"Hinata just give me an answer! Yes or no! I'm dying from sexual frustration here!" he mumbled into her neck and thrust his clothed groin into her sensitive crotch.

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