Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

(Konohamaru's Theme begins)


"Did you hear about the new ANBU that Tsunade sama recruited?" Ino asked as her friends and her, minus Hinata, sat down at the barbecued grill table.

Choji immediately attacked the meat and didn't join in the conversation at all...

"How come when I asked to be ANBU she rejected my application?!?" Naruto whined as Shikamaru sneered at him.

"Naruto, you are hardworking than me but there's no way you are qualified to be ANBU." he said as Naruto frowned.

"And why is that so?" Naruto pouted as Shion sat beside him.

Sakura tsked as Tenten rolled her eyes at the newcomer.

Shion was about to throw an insult at them when Sasuke sat beside Sakura and sniggered at his question.

"Because I am cut out to be ANBU and you're not. As simple as that." Sasuke mocked as the group of friends widened their eyes.

"You're in ANBU?!? Since when?!?" Kiba exclaimed as Sasuke shrugged.

"Been almost a month."

"Which team are you on?" Sakura asked as she narrowed her eyes. "You sure have been keeping a lot of things from us Sasuke. Next thing I know, you're getting married." she said sarcastically as she glanced at Naruto, triumphant that she was making him uncomfortable and Shion was glaring at her.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and put an arm around Sakura's shoulder.

"You will be the first to know because I'll be marrying you." he smirked and Sakura blushed before pushing his arm away.

"Since when are you 2 an item?!?" Rock Lee asked angrily.

"Lee, you know Sakura will never go for you right." Neji dished the harsh truth to him as Lee laid down on the floor with a depressed face. Tenten had to comfort him as she excused herself.

"You didn't answer Sakura! So which team are you on?!?" Naruto pressed because in ANBU, there are different teams.

The average teams are Charlie, Delta and Echo. The elite teams are Alpha and Bravo.

"Let me guess. Being the cold blooded creature you are, Tsunade sama will definitely put you in Alpha because you don't hesitate to kill people." Sai smiled as Sasuke tsked and smacked his head.

"Says the guy who was from Root ANBU." Sasuke retorted as Sai continued to give him a fake smile while rubbing his aching head.

"So what team?!?" Kiba asked again and Sasuke sighed.

"I'm not even supposed to tell you guys. The most you guys can know is I'm in ANBU and that's that." he said as Sakura pouted at him.

"Please Sasuke-kun..." she pleaded and Sasuke sweat-dropped before giving in.

"Pegasus." he answered and the group's jaws dropped as Shion frowned.

She doesn't like to be left out of the group's conversation and could never keep up with the topic but if she ask them to explain, the girls will surely throw insults her way...

"What the fuck?!? Pegasus?!? How the fuck did you get in?!? That is the super elite team for ANBU!!!" Naruto banged the table and Sasuke smirked.

"Yes and we recently have a new hottie as our team leader though we have yet to see her face since she's always wearing her mask. Everyone says she has a hot body but I'm not interested even after looking her over.. That's because I already have someone else in mind..." he said as his eyes drifted to Sakura.

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