Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

She woke up that morning in her own bed...

Naruto must have sneaked her back to her room and left before the Hyuga members find him...

Hinata sniffled a bit as she remembered Naruto's words...

She felt her stomach churning in disgust at the memory and quickly threw up in the toilet.

She decided she was not going to let her heart rule her head. She was going to be the head of the Hyuga clan for god's sake!

She decided to train hard and make sure that she is as strong as a senior jounin so she will be ready to take over her father...

(Minato Saves Kushina ends)


(Loneliness begins)


Hinata's world was in turmoil when Naruto turned up at her house to ask her out to the Hokage's summit...

To only pass her his engagement invite.

She has been avoiding him and she thought that maybe he had a change of heart and wanted to confess his feelings for her but when he passed her that envelope, she felt like tearing it up, just like how he tore her heart up.

"I thought I should give it to you in person. I haven't been seeing you for awhile. Everywhere I looked I couldn't find you and everyone I asked, haven't seen you around." Naruto explained as he buried his hands in his pockets.

Of course Naruto wouldn't be able to find her. She told her friends not to leak out any information of her whereabouts to Naruto and they had agreed. Reason being they themselves don't like Shion and they knew how badly Hinata was hurting right now.

Even Sai and Sasuke told her Naruto was an asshole for not liking her back.

And of course she didn't tell anyone the nature of hers and Naruto's relationship. She just said simply, "I confessed, he told me he's already in a relationship with Shion and rejected me. The end."...

Hinata closed her eyes as she took a deep breath.

"Naruto... You know I won't be coming right." Hinata said simply and when she opened her eyes, Naruto's blue eyes were looking at her with confusion.

"Why not? I thought we settled it out already? You agreed to no strings attached with me right?" Naruto asked gently as Hinata clenched her fist and threw the invite away.

"Naruto! I've always loved you! All my life it was me chasing you! Does it really hurt to love me back?! I blamed myself everyday for my foolishness when you got poisoned by Sasori! I even fought back Pain when you were trapped by his rods! Doesn't that mean anything to you?!?" Hinata sobbed as Naruto dropped his hands to his sides, looking away.

"Hi-Hinata... I-I-I'm sorry but... I-I-I don't love you... Hinata..." Naruto said quietly as Hinata's pale lavender eyes poured out more tears...

"Am I that hideous for you? Am I that weak to be with you??" she whispered as Naruto looked at her.

What he saw broke his heart but... He's just not sure he can settle into Hinata's life...

"I'm sorry if I led you on somehow and you fell for me... I'm really sorry..." Naruto whispered and Hinata clenched her eyes closed as she ran off...


"What?!? You sure of this?!?" the Hokage asked the person before her.

"I'm sure." was the person's reply.

"What are your intentions?" Tsunade asked as she stood up.

"No ulterior motives if that's what you suspect, Hokage-sama."

Tsunade frowned as she approached the person.

"Have you really thought this through? Is this what you want for your future?" she asked and the person nodded.

There wasn't anymore reply as Tsunade bit her lips then turned her back to the person, looking out her office window.

"Fine. You start tomorrow. Due to your outstanding participation during the Shinobi war, the numerous S-rank missions I have assigned you before despite you being a chunnin back then, I'll cut your probation period. Instead of 3 months, you need to prove to me within 3 weeks. Do I make myself clear?" Tsunade said sternly and the person nodded again.

"Yes. Yes, I understand." was the person's reply...

(Loneliness ends)

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