Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Hinata's P.O.V.:

Day 4 of our stay here...

I was already wide awake as I stared at Naruto's peaceful sleeping face...

He moaned as he rubbed his eyes and my heart felt a stirring of nervousness...

He's gonna see the position we're in...

"Hinata..." Naruto finally opened his eyes a bit and frowned. "Why am I here on the bed?"

"Obviously I didn't carry you here." I retorted as his frown deepened and he looked at the position of his arms and quickly withdrew them.

"I'm so sorry Hinata! I didn't realised that I was pinning you down!" he blurted out as I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Naruto's face blushed and I giggled.

He cleared his throat as he pushed himself up.

"Sorry Hinata. That wasn't meant to happen. I don't want Shion to get the wrong idea." he said curtly and just like that, he broke my heart again.

"Okay." I said in a cold voice as I got up to take a shower...


Naruto's P.O.V.:

I gave out a sigh as I heard Hinata locking the bathroom door.

I don't know how it happened but I ended up sleeping beside Hinata. I don't think we had sex because if not, she would have chewed off my ear by now.

But I had to say those harsh words to her because I don't want her to think that I'm playing around with her feelings and leading her on...

She's not mine anymore...

I didn't realise how long I was sitting on the bed, deep in my thoughts when Hinata threw a towel on my lap.

"Here. Hurry up. We need to go out with Toneri. Today he wants to bring us sight seeing at the museum." Hinata said coldly as I decided to make up for my mean words just now.

"Hinata..." I used my speed chakra to appear from behind her, whispering down her neck as I know my teasings will warm herself up to me...

"Naruto!" she squealed as I wrapped my arms around her and placed my hands on her swelling tummy.

"Is mummy still angry with me?" I asked, looking down at her stomach.

I heard Hinata's ragged breath as she closed her eyes, then opened them again.

She shoved my arms away as she placed both hands on my chest.

"Sorry Naruto. I won't want you to cheat on Shion." she said firmly, her pale lavender eyes never wavering as they pierced into my blue ones...

"Get dressed Naruto." Hinata spoke as she went out of the room.

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Asking Hinata to be my friend with benefits, breaking her heart when I'm starting to have feelings for her, getting engaged to Shion, making Hinata pregnant and now...

Falling for Hinata Hyuga... Hard...

(Yamagasumi ends)


(Mission begins)

"I never knew that the museum is part of your palace." Naruto commented as he quietly activated his sage chakra since Toneri was bringing them on a tour around his museum.

Naruto couldn't sense anything malicious and out of place as of far...

"It's actually a museum full of my ancestors' artefacts. I hope you find it a fulfilling experience." Toneri gave them a sideways smile.

"So we get to go free and easy?" Naruto asked as he noticed the crowd in the museum.

Even though the museum is part of Toneri's palace, it's actually situated at a very far wing from where Naruto and Hinata were staying. Hence, they didn't know about its existence.

"Not really. I don't want you getting lost as this museum has a lot of traps set by my ancestors and some traps are still not discovered yet. So I'll have my 2 ANBUs to accompany the two of you." Toneri answered as Hinata gave a smile.

"Thank you Toneri sama. That's very thoughtful of you." she said as Toneri threw her back a warm smile.

"My pleasure. Now, go and enjoy yourself. I have an important meeting. I'll meet you back here in 2 hours." he said as he walked away..

Right after he left, 2 ANBUs suddenly swooped in front of Naruto and Hinata.

"Whoa, efficient eh!" Naruto complimented as Hinata discreetly used her Byakugan to see everyone and everything around her thoroughly....

"Nothing..." Hinata told herself mentally as she went around each display to look...

The museum is mostly filled with portraits after portraits of different people from the lineage of the Otsutsuki...

When they came to the end of the palace, Hinata felt like vomiting and excused herself as she ran to the nearest toilet.

The two ANBUs who were on guard didn't speak as Naruto whistled and continued looking at the portraits and artefacts around the toilet area.

After about 15 minutes, he looked at the ANBUs.

"I'm checking on my wife." he said as he began to walk towards the ladies.

"Naruto sama, we can't actually let any of you out of our sight. Toneri sama's orders." one of the ANBUs spoke and Naruto frowned.

"Don't worry. I'll be back. Nothing will happen to me or my wife. Heck I saved the world from Madara Uchiha didn't I?" Naruto shrugged as he twisted the doorknob to the ladies. "I'll be out soon."


Hinata paced back and forth as she waited for Naruto anxiously.

"15 minutes sharp." she commented when Naruto entered the toilet.

"Yep. So have you got your clone ready?" Naruto asked as he produced a shadow clone of his own.

Hinata nodded and pushed her clone towards Naruto's clone. Hinata's clone blushed furiously and Hinata rolled her eyes.

"Looks like that cloning technique of mine still need more improvements." Hinata grumbled as the real Naruto chuckled.

Naruto's clone hugged Hinata around her waist and winked at the original Naruto and Hinata.

"Yosh! Don't worry! We will be the real you! We'll do a good job of covering for the both of you!"

Both originals Naruto and Hinata nodded as they went to hide in a cubicle, waiting for the museum to close soon so that they can immediately come out and start their spying around the palace, starting with the museum first...

(Mission ends)

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