Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Tweleve

(Hinata Versus Neji begins)

Fukasaku and Shima were furiously mixing herbs after herbs as they chanted spells before sponging all over Hinata's arms and legs with it...

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you are pregnant Hinata?!?" Tsunade gritted her teeth as she used her medical ninjutsu to correct Hinata's nerves and chakra on her womb area.

She then whirled her fiery brown eyes to Sakura.

"And you! You are my trusted disciple yet you didn't bother telling me?!?" she scolded.

Sakura has her palms over Hinata's head, transferring painkiller to ease her pain.

The pink haired kunoichi averted her eyes as she tried distracting herself from her shishou...

"I'm sorry Tsunade-sama... I thought of being a good friend by keeping Hinata's secret safe..." Sakura apologised.

"And look where that got you! I need to know which kunoichis are pregnant for fear of this kind of situation happening before you! Do you think I would have approve of her being ANBU much less promote her to team leader of the super elite team if I had known?!? If let's say she doesn't make it then what the hell am I gonna tell Hiashi?!?" Tsunade bellowed and Sakura cowered at her Hokage's temper.

"Ts-Tsunade sama..." Hinata whispered as she fluttered her eyelids. "You're being t-to-too loud..."

Tsunade sighed and moved her palms around to check for any damaged nerves.

"Hinata..." Tsunade lowered her voice as she spoke gently. "Why Hinata? Why didn't you tell me?"

Hinata bit her lip and looked away.

"Hinata, tell me who's the father." Tsunade ordered and Hinata shut her eyes, preventing the tears from coming out as Tsunade continued. "Hinata, sooner or later Hiashi has to know..."

Hinata shook her head and Tsunade sighed again.

"I know who the father is. I just want to hear it from you." she said and Hinata's eyes flew open as Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"You know???" Hinata asked weakly and Tsunade nodded her head with a grim expression.

"Hinata, who else could it be? You are only infatuated with one noisy loud-mouthed brat. And to confirm it, he almost slip it out to me on the day I met the two of you in that alley. I wasn't born yesterday Hinata..." Tsunade spoke and Hinata sobbed.

"Please don't tell my father first! I want him to hear it from my mouth..." Hinata pleaded and Tsunade nodded her head again.

"Fine. I respect your decision. But you better tell him the moment I get you back to Konoha. I don't want him and the elders to hound me on why I didn't tell them earlier instead. They'll label me as an incompetent Hokage." Tsunade explained as Hinata nodded her head.

She then screamed as there was a cracking sound from her womb area.

"Steady Hinata! I'm trying to correct some wrong nerves there..." Tsunade said as she started sweating then she looked up at Sakura. "Increase the amount of painkiller for her to 70%!"

Sakura's eyes widened in panic.

"But Tsunade-sama! Isn't that a bit too much? I'm currently using only 10% of painkiller..." but Tsunade cut her off.

"I'm going to go full force and correct a lot of wrong nerves continuously Sakura! I can't afford to waste time if I correct the nerves one by one with 5 minutes interval break for Hinata to catch her breath! If I do that she will most probably still survive but not her baby!" Tsunade snapped and Sakura nodded her head quickly as she did what was told...

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