faith (s3)

138 15 5

lyttlejoe / AdannaArt

theme : for lost love

title : •faith•

remember when there was an us?

when i was yours and safe,

way back before i met your Father.

we would've been married had i not eaten of that fruit

which opened my eyes to the folly of there being good and evil

which opened my eyes to the madness of His in betweens and poetic extremes,

don't forget His 'justice'...

synonymous to silence and 'don't think don't ask'

and also 'don't know don't care',

my eyes bleed from exposure -

so i hope you never go through this enlightenment

never should you feel the pain of 'greater' knowledge

because i still have love for you

'us' has only been temporarily misplaced-

somewhere inside rush hour traffic jams of thought

and trying to get away from Him.

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