Expectation vs. Reality & Lifehacks!

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So, this chap is pretty exciting! 😍😍😍😍! But, seriously, it will be exciting because I'll be doing another expectation vs. reality, then, I'll give a tip on how to avoid bad realities (or, attain good expectations). I've put some pics above to help you understand what I mean in some instructions. Please note that I got some, ok most, (LOL) tips from YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. Let's start? I've been talking too much again... Er, I mean typing. Oops.

1. The Gauze Brush

Expectation: So, after brushing your long, luxurious hair, you sashay it and kiss your brush and put it down.

Reality: So, after brushing your hair, you sashay it (though it's still very tangled, but you'll be late for whatever). Then, you lay your brush down, only to find that clumps of your hair stuck in it.

The tip: For the hair, I would say brush it again or just wet it, it'll pat down by itself. As for the hair brush, next time, stick a gauze pad (picture ⬆️⬆️⬆️) onto it, brush, then just remove the gauze pad from your brush. And, you'll be pleased to know, that all the hair is in the pad and not on your brush.

2. The Shower Iron

Expectation: So, you're almost late- fashionably late- for something. So, you take a nice shower and wear a nice outfit, that is not at all wrinkled, even if it was cluttered in your cabinet for a while. Then, you leave for the event, looking pleasant or casual.

Reality: You're late- and not even fashionably late- for something. You take a shower, and wear the first thing you find in your cabinet. It's all wrinkled, but you're late, so you leave.

The tip: Being late does not do you any good for your part as a guest, especially if you're the host. So, it's either set a timer/alarm that'll go off when you need to leave, or, make a bunch of playlists that will last [each] for about 10-15 mins. In short, be aware of the time when doing something. For your crinkled attire, just hang it on the door while you take a steamy shower. It should look like it has been ironed, afterwards. Also, prepare your clothing the day before, to avoid wearing something odd.

Ok!! That is it! Hope you enjoyed! If you have any suggestions... Then free feel to tell me in the comments or by using PM.

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