Chapter 5

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Chapter Five:

The next morning rolls around sooner than I anticipated. It seems that I only got a few hours of sleep which is a possibility. I'm extremely nervous about today. What if I can't find Tiffany? She's the only person I know in this town so far and I'm not the best at making friends. Speaking of friends I haven't even heard from Mia not even a text. She's probably just busy with soccer and the upcoming school year. I slowly get out of bed and start my day. I quickly make my bed and then go check on Juliette and my mom. Juliette is still fast asleep and surprisingly my mom is out of her bed, hopefully this is a good sign. My joy is short lived when I see her on the couch, passed out surrounded by multiple, empty bottles of alcohol. Really, mom? Really? There's no way I can leave Juliette here with her hungover. Annoyed, I go to the kitchen and quickly eat a pop-tart. I pack my lunch and I pack some of Juliette's favorite snacks. I go back to Juliette's room and gently shake her awake. "Come on, sissy. Time to wake up!" I say. She yawns and groans "It's too early!" she complains. I manage to get her out of bed, fed, and dressed. I put her down in the living room and I change the tv to Disney Junior. I rush back to my room and get ready for my first day of school. I guess some people would consider me as I beautiful person but I've never felt that way. I have long, brunette hair and green eyes. Thankfully, I have a clear complexion but I'm extremely pale. That was one of the other things I got teased about-people called me Casper. I brush my hair and pull it half-up and half-down. I apply some light make up and then wander over to my closet to see what I can wear. I chose a light pink dress and throw on a white sweater as well. I check the time and see that it is only around 6 o'clock. I still have to find a daycare for Juliette and knowing my luck I'll get lost- again. I double check my purse and backpack to sure I have everything I need and then I pack a small bag for Juliette- just in case. I slide my white flats on and scribble a note out to my mom so she's knows everything is alright. I also leave some medicine for her hangover by the note. I pick up Juliette and head out the door still anxiously awaiting my first day of school.

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