Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-seven

The door opens with Niall sending in the doorway looking as flawless as usual. He looks even better than he did a few hours ago if that's possible.

"Hey sweetheart." He says giving me a huge hug and hitting my injured side a little.

I resist the urge to wince, "Hi Niall." I say returning the hug.

Niall then bends down to Juliette's level, "Hi Juliette, are you hungry?"

"Yes Niall!" Juliette exclaims giving Niall a hug. Niall seems a little surprised but gives her a hug none the less.

He stands back up. "I can't wait to for you to meet my mum." He tells me, his eyes sparkling.

I smile, "I'm excited to meet her too!"

Juliette runs in the living room to go play with Braden. Niall grabs my hand and leads me into the kitchen. His mom has her back turned away from us and she's by the stove cooking.

"Mum, they're here!" Niall says, smiling. He's been smiling more often lately and I love it.

Niall's mom turns around and she's beautiful. She's petite, blonde hair, and the same ocean blue eyes as Niall that I love to stare into. Her smile is just as wide as Niall's too.

"Hi Mrs. Horan, m-my name is Lydia. It's nice to meet y-you." I stutter out shyly, I hate that when I get nervous I stutter.

"Lydia! I've heard some much about you! It's nice to finally meet you! And please call me Maura!" She says pulling me into a hug. Thankfully she doesn't bump into my side.

"It's nice to meet you too. Is there anything you need help with?"

"Nope in fact I just finished! You can take a seat wherever you would like. Did Juliette come with you?"

"Yes, Braden and her are in the living room."

"Braden talks nonstop about her just like Niall does with you." Maura says chuckling.

I giggle and Niall groans, "Mom please stop!"

During dinner we chat about everything going on in school and in the community. I really like Maura, it's so easy to talk to her.

After dinner we decide to watch Finding Nemo with Juliette and Braden. It's one of my favorites as well so I have no problem watching it. I can tell Niall doesn't seem too interested in the movie by the way he's playing with my hair and how he's holding me, I'm practically in his lap. I blush remembering his mom is sitting in the chair next to us but every time she looks at us she smiles. Juliette and Braden are fast asleep by the time Maura pulls out the scrapbooks of Niall.

Niall groans again, "I'm sure Lydia isn't interested in seeing me as a child Mom.

"Oh of course I am Niall!"

We go through at least three different albums and Maura explains every single picture.

"Do you remember this Niall? It was bath time but you didn't want a bath. We had to chase you around the whole house and you were naked with out a towel on as a cape and you were running around yelling 'I'm captain potato!'"

By this point I'm laughing so hard I'm crying and my side is really aching from all the laughing.

Maura laughs as well as Niall. I check the clock it's already 10:30! I have to get home before curfew.

"Wow it's 10:30 already. We'll have to get going. Thank you so much for everything Maura. It was fantastic." I give her a hug.

"Anytime honey! Come back soon okay?"

I nod my head eagerly. I carry Juliette to the car and Niall comes to the car with me. I buckle Juliette in her car seat and turn towards Niall.

"I had a great time tonight. You're mom is lovely."

"Well she loves you already but with you darling what's not to love."

I blush. Niall smirks, "I love that I can make you blush. Text me when you get home okay? Goodnight sweetheart."

He pulls me in for a hug and squeeze my injured side too hard. I hiss and pull back immediately.

"Lydia what's wrong with your side?" He asks, concerned.

"Nothing." I mumble.

Before I could stop him, he's pulling my shirt up and gasps. I look down as well and a huge bruise has blossomed over my side.

"Darling that's not nothing. What happened?"

"I tripped and hit the coffee table when I fell." I lie.

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"I know you're lying. Now tell me what happened." He demands.

"It's nothing!" I yell exasperated.

"Sweetheart is it your mom? I know things have been rough at home. Is she hurting you? If she is you have to tell me."

"Niall it's fine, don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"It is her isn't it?"

"Niall! No she's not! I said it was nothing! Don't worry about it! God why won't you believe me!"

I push past him and start my car. I drive home fighting tears the whole way. When we get home, I notice at least my mother isn't home. That's good, maybe we'll have a little peace and quiet. I put Juliette to bed and then text Niall.

'We got home. Sorry for yelling at you earlier but I promise I'm fine. Goodnight.'

Usually Niall replies back right away but it's an hour later and he still hasn't replied. Maybe he's asleep I think to myself. Or he's mad at me. I hope it's the first one. I lay down and try to fall asleep wishing I could rewind and tell Niall the truth.


**A/N: Hey everyone! I won't be updating for awhile my aunt from South Carolina is visiting and I want to spend time with her so ill be updating sometime next week after she leaves! Thank you for being patient! I love you guys! :)**

While I'm gone please vote and comment!

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