Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"No calls. No texts. No visits. Nothing since Friday." I tell Tiffany in homeroom on Monday.

I swear I must have texted and called Niall a million over the weekend and he didn't text or call back at all. I didn't realize I made him that mad. I told Tiffany that we had a fight Friday night but I didn't tell her the cause of it. I waited and waited this morning thinking we were still carpooling but he never showed up. When I got to the daycare Braden's sidecar was in the back parking lot and Braden was already there.

"Boys are weird. It's a fact of life. Did you do anything terribly wrong?" Tiffany asks.

I sigh, "I'm not sure! I kind of yelled at him but I didn't say anything mean or hurtful!"

"Well, just give him some time to get over himself. This is the first time in a long time Niall is happy and I don't think he's stupid enough to lose you." She says looking away.

I give her a weird look, "How do you know so much about Niall anyway?"

"We were best friends when we were younger. Practically did everything together, my dad worked at the bank where Niall's dad worked. I assumed he told you what happened?"


"Well, the day of the shooting was my dad's day off. The next day when we dropped off dinner at his house so Maura wouldn't have to cook, he exploded at me. He kept screaming at me 'Why does your dad get to live and mine had to die? Why is your dad better than mine!' I understood that he was devastated and hurt but I got really offended when he said that. You shouldn't wish death on anybody it's not fair. Ever since then we've barely made eye contact let alone talk to each other."

The bell rings sending everybody off to first period. On my way there I think about everything Tiffany has told me. It's a lot to take in. The first three periods go fast. Of course because I'm dreading seeing how Niall will act towards me. I doubt Niall will be meeting me to walk together so I start walking. When I get there, Niall is in his seat and looking down avoiding my gaze. I ignore him and get ready for Mr. Willis to start today's lesson. Usually Niall turns around to look at me and he'll smile, wink, or on a rare occasion blow me a kiss. But of course he doesn't do that today. I feel like I could cry. I didn't think what I said was hurtful but it obviously was. The next thing I know the bell is ringing and Niall is practically running out of the door. I had already expected that we wouldn't be eating lunch together so I go to Tiffany's locker to wait for her. When she sees me she frowns.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked, teasing her.

"Of course I'm happy to see you. I'm not happy because Niall is being a complete idiot and jerk if he can't tell how upset you are."

We get lunch and sit with Louis who is working on our AP English homework already. It's nice to catch up with Tiffany and Louis but I miss Niall.

"Tiffany? I doubt this but is he looking over here?" I ask her.

She frowns, "Sorry Lydia he isn't. Harry and Zayn are back and Niall's back is turned to us."

I sigh, what else did I expect? I start talking to Louis and Tiffany to avoid thinking about my feud with Niall.


Tuesday and Wednesday pass exactly the same as Monday. It's now Thursday and I'm beyond worried that Niall doesn't like me anymore and this is his way of telling. I've hardly been eating and sleeping. And to put the cherry on top of the sundae, my mother been coming home drunk and hit me again. I know I should tell somebody but I can't. It's all becoming to much to handle. In school I notice Tiffany isn't here today so I decide to talk to Liam.

"Hey Liam. How's it going?"

"Hey Lydia. Good, how have you been? It feels like we haven't talked in ages."

"I'm fine. It does feel like that, doesn't it?"

We continue to chat about school and Liam's expressive football skills until the bell rings. I promise him I'll come to at least one of his games. The morning passes quickly and it's lunchtime already. Louis isn't at our table. I sigh and grab an apple. This would be may luck that my only friends are both absent. Next thing I know, there's a cold substance on my head a running down my face. I look up and it's Scott, the captain of the football time and also Lacey's boyfriend, and four of his friends.

"How's it feel loser? To have no friends? To have everyone make fun of you? To be a waste of space?" Scott asks me.

I get annoyed and a rush of confidence and stand up "Oh fine thanks for asking Richard Cranium."

Scott looks at me confused, "What the hell is a Richard Cranium?"

"A classy way of calling you a dick head."

Next thing I know there's a fist coming towards my face and I'm on the ground with a thud and whimper. The cafeteria is silent. When I sit up I notice a head of blonde hair on top of Scott and Harry and Zayn are also fighting Scott's four friends.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Principal Smith yells. Zayn and Harry immediately stop fighting. Niall doesn't stop and Mr. Smith has to physically pull Niall off of Scott. Mr. Smith then notices me a gasps. I must look fantastic.

"All of you my office now!"


**A/N: Thank you for being patient while my aunt was here! I really appreciated it because I don't get to see her that often. I might update on Saturday I'm not sure yet. Please vote and comment! :)**

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