Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen: The afternoon passes quicker than I expected and it's finally time to meet up with Niall. I like school but I've never been this giddy about a project before. Something tells me that it isn't the project that has me this happy. On my way to the library I stop by my locker to drop off the books I don't need. I'm shocked to see Niall leaning against the lockers next to mine waiting for me. "Hello." I politely say. "Hi there. Ready to go?" he smiles. "Go where I thought we were going to the library?" I ask confused. Niall smiles again, god how I love his smile, "We are but not this dingy school one. We're going to the public library one town over. Come on we can take my bike." I gasp, "What?!? You want me to ride on your motorcycle?!?", Niall just chuckles at my reaction, "I can't. My car is here." He smirks at me, "Already thought of that, we'll just drop it off at the daycare where Donna lets me keep the sidecar for Braden. Come one it'll be fine" I stare into his ocean colored eyes and my insides feel like goo. Niall waits for my response and I sigh defeatedly, "I guess that would be okay." Niall heads for the doors and calls over his shoulder, "I'll meet you at the daycare." I turn back towards my locker. I can't believe just agreed to go on Niall's motorcycle. To be honest, they freak me out a lot, it seems like there isn't anything to protect you if you would get into a crash and I find that absolutely terrifying. But somehow just Niall asking me seems to put me at ease a little bit.

The drive to the daycare is short and I park next to where Niall is standing. "Took you long enough slow poke!" he jokes.

"Well I wanted to make sure I had everything." I say

"Of course you did. Come on let's go." he says.

I follow him to his motorcycle. It looks more intimidating then it did a few weeks ago. Niall takes my books and purse from my and puts it into a compartment on the back of the bike. He puts his helmet on and then hands me an extra one wordlessly and hops on the bike. I hold the helmet in my hands and I notice that I'm shaking. I don't know why I'm so scared right now but I am. Niall turns around, "Come on, get on the back we don't have all day it's a twenty minute drive."

I feel like my eyes pop out of my head, "Twenty minutes?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Niall I-I can't do this. I-I'm sorry." I stutter out.

Niall sighs obviously annoyed, "Fine we'll take your car scaredy cat." He turns away from my and parks his bike. I roll my eyes annoyed now as well and get into my car. I take a deep breath, finally relaxing. I didn't realize I was holding my breath and how scared I actually was. Niall gets into the car and throws my purse and book into the back seat. He huffs and turns toward the window, this is going to be a long drive.

**A/N- I didn't get 20 votes but I wanted to update to celebrate 1.5K reads! :) Thank you so much for all the reads and vote! You have no idea how much it means to me! I felt like nobody read this but I was obviously wrong! Comment and vote please :) You can tell me what you guys think will happen at the library! ily guys!**

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