Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"So what do you say Lydia? Do we have a date?"

It feels like time has stopped. It feels like the world has stopped moving. Even though I've only know him for a little under two months and I do have a major crush on him.

I'm pretty sure I'm more stunned then Niall about what comes out of my mouth next, "Is this some sort of joke?" I ask.

Niall looks shocked, "What? You think this is a joke?"

"I'm just making sure this isn't some sick prank of yours or that this isn't a pity thing."

Niall actually looks hurt, "Wow Lydia if you don't want to go with me you could have just said no instead of suggesting I'm just pitying you and not that I might just want to do!"

He turns to walk away but I grab his arm, "Niall, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it that way! I'm new to this whole 'going on a date' thing. I would love to go on a date with you!"

Niall looks into my eyes and I look into his. Niall's eyes are the most gorgeous colors I've ever seen. I could look into them all day long. Niall finally breaks the silence, "Okay great let's meet here at one?"

"Sure, but one more thing..."

Niall looks at more at me worriedly, "What?"

"We're taking my car and not your motorcycle."

Niall chuckles, "I guess I can agree to that."


I wait excitedly for Niall in the daycare parking lot. I agonized over every detail of my outfit, hair, and makeup. He never told me what we were doing so I played it safe by wearing jeans, sneakers, and a cute tee. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and curled the ends. I also applied light make up. I keep thinking about Niall and where he could possibly be taking me when Juliette pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Are you and Niall in love?" She asks me innocently.

"What?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Well he looks at you like Mommy used to look at me and you before she started to sleep all the time. Why does she sleep all the time"

My heart breaks in two, "Mommy's just been tried lately."

Before Juliette can ask any more questions, Niall's motorcycle pulls into the parking lot. Braden is waving at us in his side car.

"Hi Braden! Hi Niall!" Juliette exclaims.

"Hi!" Braden and Niall say to Juliette and me.

"Hi there." Niall says just to me with a flirtatious smile.

"Hello." I reply shyly. Why does he make me feel all jittery inside?

We enter the daycare and hand over the kids to Donna. She says we can pick them up at 9. She winks at me on our way out.

"Ready to go? I'll drive." Niall says before I can even answer him.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask.

"It's a surprise."

I groan, I hate surprises. I like to know what I'm doing and have everything planned.

Niall and I talk for the whole entire ride. We talk about everything from our favorite colors to our favorite memories. It's so easy to talk to Niall and I love to do it.

"We're here!" Niall exclaims.

Oh. My. Gosh.

**15 votes and I'll do another update today!!**

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