Chapter 13

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(A/N: Hi everyone sorry that I haven't posted this Wattpad update wasn't allowing me to upload but now it is. I also lost all of my reads and vote so if you could please go back and vote for all of the previous chapters I would appreciate! Also, I will attempt to upload at least once a day. Thank you and I love you guys!)

Chapter Thirteen: The rest of the day goes smoothly and I don't run into any other problems. I do get some strange looks from people after my outburst in the cafeteria but other than that I don't run into Zayn, Harry, or Niall for the rest of the day and it quickly comes to an end. I walk out with Tiffany to my car and she promises to meet me at my History class so we can have lunch together tomorrow. I tell her about how I sat with Louis and she said that Louis seems like a nice guy and that we can sit with him tomorrow too. I also told her about my outburst but she already knew about it. "Trust me Lydia- even though you're new here everybody knows you now. Hardly anybody who stands up Niall, Harry, and Zayn and comes out not injured." "What's their story anyway?" I ask. "No one really knows too much about them. Zayn is single and bangs a new girl almost every week but if a guy looks at his sisters the wrong way it's not pretty. Harry has a girlfriend named Josie but he's still into the partying scene and has an older sister whose in college. Niall is also single and he has a younger brother named Braden. His dad just passed away about two years ago and his mom is a lawyer and works a lot but still manages to make time for both Niall and Braden." I'm surprised that Tiffany seems to know a lot more about Niall than Harry and Zayn but I don't question her. I head off to the daycare to go pick up Juliette. Donna smiles at me when I walk in. "Hello dear! How was your first day at school?" she asks me. "It went pretty well. Everyone seems nice." I reply leaving out the stuff about Niall in case he would walk through the door. "Juliette did well today. She and Braden seemed to have really bonded." Donna tells me. "That's fantastic! If you don't mind my asking how old is Braden?" I ask. "He just turned four," a different voice says. I turn around and in comes Niall, taking off his aviator sunglasses that hide his breath taking eyes. I don't really know what to say or what to do so I stand there awkwardly. "Hi, my name is Niall Horan. What's yours?" he asks extending his hand. I reach for his hand and tentatively shake, "Lydia Ellis, nice to meet you." I mumble. "That's a pretty name and nice to meet you too." He think my name is pretty? Did he really just say? Did I imagine it? Why hasn't he let go of my hand yet? Do I want him to let go of my hand? No, not at all I decide. He stares straight at me and I feel like there's electricity running between the two of us. He releases my hand and turns to Donna. "How was he today?" he asks her. "He was fine like always. Like I was telling Lydia, it seems like Braden and Juliette bonded today. You both can go into the play room if you would like." she offers. We both head into the play room where we see Juliette and Braden playing with some animals. Braden looks over and sees us. "Niall!" he exclaims. Braden runs over and jumps into Niall's arms. "Hey buddy. How'd everything go today?" Niall asks hugging him back. Juliette notices me as well and waddles over to me and gives me a hug. "Hi sissy! How was school? I ha a lot of fun today with Braden and Miss Donna even gave us candy!" she tells me. "That's great! School was good," I tell her. I turn towards Niall with Juliette in my arms and say "Juliette this is Niall, Niall this is Juliette." Juliette reaches her hand out to Niall and says, "Nice to meet you! Are you Braden's brother?" He shakes her tiny head and replies, "It's a pleasure to meet you too and yes I am." Niall checks his watch and frowns. "Okay buddy go clean up the toys so we can get going." I put Juliette down and tell her to help Braden. "Listen I want to apologize about this morning. I had to make a stop before school and then in History Mr. Willis was giving me a hard time about cutting study hall so he gave me a detention and I was just mad. I didn't mean to be rude to you." he says while looking down. "I guess I'll forgive you if you promise not to make fun of Louis Tomlinson." I reply. "Maybe...if you promise to not cause and scene in the cafeteria anymore." he smirks. "Deal. I swear I'm not usually like that but I can't stand bullies," I say. "Not that you are one but when other people and being picked on I don't like because I used to be picked on and..." I keep rambling until Niall chuckles. "It's fine. I can't believe a pretty girl like yourself could ever be picked on." he says. What? He thinks I'm pretty?!? Did I really say that I was bullied during mu rambling? I blush and feel butterflies in my stomach. "Okay Niall and Lydia, all done!" Braden and Juliette say. We all exit the playroom. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow Braden and Niall! Will I be seeing you tomorrow as well Juliette and Lydia?" Donna asks politely. "I'll call tonight and let you know. Thank you again for today" I tell her. "Not a problem! Have a good night!" As we are exiting, Niall holds the door open for me. Could this really be the same person who didn't look my way, trampled my notes, and bullied someone this morning? Niall puts a helmet on Braden and buckles him into the car seat in the side car to his motorcycle. "Bye-bye Juliette!" Braden yells. "Bye-bye!" Juliette yells back and waves. "See you tomorrow in History." Niall says. "See ya." Niall pulls out of the parking lot and I buckle Juliette up. We head home and on the way I can't stop thinking about Niall and this time it's a good thing.

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