Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Niall sets me gently down onto the cot and I wince because of the pain in my back. He mutters a quick apology and steps back to let the nurse look at me.

"Okay let's have a look at you." The nurse says to me. She asks me what happened and I tell her a shortened version of the events. I tell her that I am dizzy and besides my obviously bleeding nose that my back hurts.

"I'm going to have to lift up your shirt to look at your back okay?"

I stiffen, my bruise from last week is finally yellowing but my newer ones are still visible. I slowly nod my head and she examines my back, sides, and stomach.

"Okay well it seems you have some nasty bruises from when you fell. Besides the bruises, your nose isn't broken but you'll have to ice and tape it for two weeks so the swelling goes down. Also you don't have a concussion but the dizziness could be from loss of blood. So when you go home just eat and drink to bring up your blood sugar and don't sleep for at least five hours. You have to be very careful that others or yourself don't bump your nose. You'll have to take four days off from school and work so I'll write you a note for that."

"Do I really have to miss two days of school and four days off work?" I ask.

"Yes. If you bump your nose it'll make it worse and you'll have more recovery time then you do know."

I sigh. I can't miss four days of work. I'll get so far behind on bills and I'm still behind on Donna's payment. I keep buying less and less food but that's not helping either. Why is everything so expensive?

The nurse writes Niall and I a pass to Mr. Smith's office. We both thank her and Niall helps me stand. The dizziness went down so at least now I can walk but I still need Niall's support.

"You okay darling?" Niall asks as we leave the nurse's office.

"Yeah. I'm okay I guess. I just hate missing school or work."

"You deserve a break so enjoy it while you can."

"I guess so." I say while frowning.

He chuckles at my response but soon becomes serious, "Lydia, I have so much to apologize for. I'm so sorry for not texting, calling, or talking to you. I was being a total jerk. I'm not used to having to take someone else's feelings into consideration. I was just really concerned about you but I should've trusted you. Can you forgive me?" When he looks at me he looks so vulnerable.

"Oh Niall of course I forgive you! I missed you so much!" I throw my arms around him.

He hugs me back, "Thank you baby and I missed you too. A lot."

I smile and kiss him. As nice as this moment is, I have to ask him a question that has been bothering me since we left the cafeteria, "Niall..."

"Yes baby?"

"What you said in the cafeteria, about me being your girlfriend, is that,uh,true?" I'm so nervous for his response. I would love to be his girlfriend but I can't tell if he wants me to be or if just said it so Mr. Smith would let him come with me.

He sighs, "Well I planned on doing this with a bit more romance behind it but it would be an honor to have you as my girlfriend, if you'll accept that is."

"Hmmm...I think I may have to think about it!" I jokingly say.

Niall looks at me with a puppy dog face that is just one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend! You silly boy did you really think I'd say no?" I tease him.

He laughs and kisses my cheek carefully. We've made it to Mr. Smith's office already and Niall opens the door for me. Scott and his friends are sitting on one side of the waiting room. They gasp at me. I'm assuming because of my appearance, someone really needs to give me a mirror. Niall glares at them and they quickly look away. The secretary suddenly appears escorts us to Mr. Smith's office. We enter the office to find Harry and Zayn sitting in two of the four chairs in the office. They look at me briefly but quickly look away.

"Niall, Lydia please take a seat. Are your injuries taken care of Lydia? The nurse already called and said you'll be missing tomorrow and Monday. If you need more time let me know and you can have it" Mr. Smith tells me.

I speak first, "Yes. Thank you for asking and thank you for the offer."

"Great. Well down to business." I inhale nervous of what he has to say. "Scott told me everything. He will be expelled for fighting, injuring you, and bullying. You can press charges if you wish but that's strictly up to you. Scott is permanently off of the football team as well. His friends will also be kicked off of the football team and suspended for two months. Now onto Niall, Harry, and Zayn- it was very nice of you guys to defend Lydia but violence is never the answer. So I'm going to let you off with a warning so to speak. You guys will only have to serve three detentions each. You all are dismissed."

The boys exhale along with me. I guess they were worried about a stricter punishment. We leave the office and Scott and his friends are gone.

"Well that went a lot better than I expected." Harry says. Zayn and Niall quickly agree.

I realize that this is the first time I've heard either or them speak. I'm shocked that they have a bit of an accent as well. Is this secretly an international school or something?

Niall interrupts my thoughts, "Oh. That's right. You guys have never meet. Lydia, Harry and Zayn. Harry and Zayn, my girlfriend Lydia."

My stomach explodes into a fit of butterflies when he calls me his girlfriend.

"Finally! We get to meet you! Niall never stops talking about you!" Zayn exclaims.

Niall smacks the back of Zayn's head. Harry and I both laugh.

"Thank you guys for sticking up for me. I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem. If your Niall's girl then that means we have to help out now and again." Harry says and we all laugh.

Harry turns to Niall, "You'll have to bring her to a party sometime. Josie would love you Lydia. She's my girlfriend."

Niall seems like he's going to say something but I interrupt him, "I'd love to!"

"Great, well take care and we'll see you soon." Zayn says.

Harry and Zayn get on their bikes and leave.

"They're nice." I tell Niall.

"Oh baby you have no idea." Niall chuckles.

I laugh and kiss his check

"Come on let's get you home and get some ice on your nose." He leads me to my car and puts me in the passenger seat.

"What are you doing? What about your bike?" I ask.

"Did you really think I'd let you drive sweetheart? You're in no condition to drive. I'll get it later. Now how about some ice cream?"

I smile and nod my head excitedly, happy to have Niall back.


**A/N: Hello! I tried to make a longer chapter cause I haven't updated in awhile. Sadly I start school this week :/ School is my main priority and I will update only once a week starting this week (not counting this update). Most likely on the weekends. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment. Ily! :)**

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