Day 37: No Sense... Nonsense

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This is more of a hypothetical "What if" scenario than a straight up question but nonetheless, what if we were limited in the amount of senses we could use everyday? No, I don't mean you had no sense like SOME people ahem. I mean, what if for every 24 hours you were only alloted a certain number of things to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel?

What if you were only allowed to see a certain number of things each day before your eyes shut down and you went blind until the next morning? And the same for hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. Imagine snacking all day and then at night when you're about to have a feast you take one bite and suddenly your food has no flavor at all.

Btw I set the "reset" time at morning rather than midnight because if it was at midnight you might waste all your senses in your sleep unknowingly. You might feel too much warmth under your blanket, or hear someone snore all night and wake up deaf. So yeah, reset time is in the morning after sunrise.

But anyways, um... idk what question to make from this scenario so... just imagine it and explain how your day would go if you knew you could run out of any of your 5 senses at any given moment.

BQ: What if you were only allowed to speak a certain amount of words/sounds every day too?

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