Day 13: Toddler Tales

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What's a funny or cool incident that happened to you when you were a toddler. Something you were told from a family member, like one of those stories someone brings up every time they see you or look at an old picture lol...for this question, I'm actually going to share one of my own too :)

BQ: if you ever babysit/babysat, feel free to include a separate tale about an experience you had with the kid(s) you watch(ed).

Ahem, my story is that... Well, I once beat up my great great grandma. Yes, my grandmother's grandmother....You see,  I was 2 years old and she was trying to play fight with me lol. But since my dad used to hold me and make me do fake kungfu, I reacted when she was like "you think you bad? Put em up little mister." And I started punching on her and she was old and fragile and started screaming, "somebody get the baby! Somebody get the baby pleeeaase!!" And the adults rushed to come get me before I finished her off lol. She never came around talking smack in my neighborhood again XD

Funny thing, she was the oldest family member and I was the youngest. So it was literally a battle of the ages XD!!!!

Oh, and gender cause she was the matriarch, in fact everyone called her Mother. Not grandma, not great grandma, not great great grandma. Her title was Mother....and me? I was the third son. I was a legend, born to be great. And my first battle was defeating the matriarch....and so i did XD

So what's your toddler tale? Leave your interesting stories down below in the comments, I look forward to reading them all.

In fact, I wanna say thank you to everyone that's been reading and answering these, you guys are all very interesting people with some intriguing perspectives and such. Thank you for humoring me and my extreme curiosity :P

If you have a curious question you'd like me to ask everyone, leave it in a comment or pm me and I'll be sure to share InShaAllah. Thank you, until tomorrow's question, salaam!!!

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