Day 42: All Alone

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Okay this one requires just a bit of explaining for the scenario before I get straight to the main question. 

So picture this, forget the whos and hows and whys, but let's say you were given one entire week in which you would be the only person on earth. Like, you woke up one morning and your family was gone, your neighbors were gone, everyone else was gone from everywhere else, in every other place, BUT you knew that in 7 days they'd all be back, so don't freak out over the end of the world or something. They're all just, gone for the time and you're alone on this great big world. 

Now, to further the situation, you have a no limits sort of freedom. What I mean by that is, you have access to whatever you want, so like no being locked out of places or stuck,  you can drive wherever and all the roads are clear for you. Um, to suspend disbelief just a little further, let's also assume whatever harm or bad things happen to you will be automatically undone as soon as you fall asleep at night. So like, if you stupidly decided you wanted to fly a plane or go skiing down mount Everest and then you broke every bone in your body and were on the verge of death, the moment you fall asleep all the pain ends and your body is healed. And you can't die. 

Oh and of course everything is cleared before everyone else returns and no one else remembers a thing of that week except for you. Basically it's a week of you all alone in the world without any consequences to suffer. Got it?

Okay, so in that situation, what would you do in your week of freedom? How would you spend your time all alone?

oh and in case anyone wonders, yes animals and plants are still around. Just no humans.....So don't go to the zoo and get beat up by harambe's cousin as revenge....unless you're a fan of that, this is wattpad after all >.>

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