Day 38: What About #3?

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Okay so recently, for reasons I don't care to go into, I have been questioning people about the 3 most important things to them in this world, and I've been getting the exact same answers every time. Sigh. I have literally only gotten ONE unique answer. The first two answers are predictable, so I can understand why everyone always says those two (ie #1 is Religion #2 is family/friends), but there is so much more to life than the same answer I keep getting for #3 but no one is taking the time to really think it out. I keep getting a really broad and general answer.

And so I am bringing this to you creative folks in hopes of getting decent answers. Thus, dear readers, I ask you now, after Deen and Family/Friends, what is the most important thing to you in this world? It can be anything, unless you give the same answer I've been getting in which case I will facepalm. Thank you.

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