Day 64: Would You Rather..?

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Long story short, I've been absent here because I have family in town. I made a post about it on my wall. So while visiting late one night (we stayed up til Fajr) my cousins decided to play the classic game of "Would You Rather."

We ended up using questions from online and well, now I'm posing those questions to you readers lol. Keep in mind, these are not MY questions that I thought up, they're from offline. And also, they're hypothetical so don't be a loser. Okay? Good.

Now here we go (comment your answer next to the questions, duh):

Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught?

Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small?

Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person?

Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?

Would you rather be locked in a room that is constantly dark for a week or a room that is constantly bright for a week?

Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC and heating?

Would you rather have a horrible job, but be able to retire comfortably in 10 years or have your dream job, but have to work until the day you die?

Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or be able to read minds?

Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 50 years with many regrets?

Would you rather know when you are going to die or how you are going to die? (You can’t change the time or method of your death.)

Would you rather have everything you eat be too salty or not salty enough no matter how much salt you add?

Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept shrinking as you got older?

Would you rather relive the same day for 365 days or lose a year of your life?

Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?

Would you rather lose all of your memories from birth to now or lose your ability to make new long term memories?

Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or suffer negative health effects)?

Would you rather be fluent in all languages and never be able to travel or be able to travel anywhere for a year but never be able to learn a word of a different language?

Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid/merman?

Would you rather have constantly dry eyes or a constant runny nose?

Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors?

Would you rather have whatever you are thinking appear above your head for everyone to see or have absolutely everything you do live streamed for anyone to see?

Would you rather have a clown only you can see that follows you everywhere and just stands silently in a corner watching you without doing or saying anything or have a real life stalker who dresses like a giant bunny that everyone can see?

Would you rather have to sing every word you speak or dance every move you make?

Would you rather have the power to gently nudge anyone’s decisions (ie be more persuasive) or have complete puppet master control of five people?

Would you rather live in a house with see-through walls in a city or in the same see-though house but in the middle of a forest far from civilization?

Would you rather eat a box of dry spaghetti noodles or a cup of uncooked rice?

Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have full control of them for the whole year or once a week spend a day inside a stranger without having any control of them?

Would you rather be born again in a totally different life or born again with all the knowledge you have now?

Would you rather be lost in a bad part of town or lost in the forest?

Would you rather randomly time travel +/- 20 years every time you cough or teleport to a different place on earth (on land, not water) every time you sneeze?

Would you rather have a flying carpet or a car that can drive underwater?

Would you rather have to sleep 11 hours straight every single day or have your normal sleep schedule but no matter how long you sleep, you always feel on the verge of passing out?

Would you rather it never stop snowing (snow doesn't pile up though) or it never stops raining (rain doesn't build up or flood)?

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