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Congratulations, you are now a successful, published author! 

*confetti and balloons rain down*

Now, while you enjoy a slice of cheesecake or pie (but not biryani >.>), your agent calls and is booking you a book tour at a few places around the world. You're quite the famous author, aren't you? Anyways, so, your most popular book is the one your gonna be displaying and signing for your hordes of adoring fans; and (check your demographics) your 3 locations to visit will be the 3 countries where the majority of that books readers are from. So, famous Amous, 

1) Which book of yours won over the world?

2) Which three countries will you be visiting to sign?

BQ: What age/gender will you see most of assuming everyone shows up lol

*If you're not an author I guess tag someone who is and stalk them to their book tours :P


For me, I'll be signing Chasing Pearls in India on Friday, then Nigeria on Saturday, and then UK on Sunday. See you all there lol. 

And as expected, 78% of the audience will be female, 4% will be male, and the other 18% don't know what they are so we can't seat them, oops lol. 

29% will be 13-18, 29% will be 18-25, 8% will be 25-35, 1% will be 35-45, 1% will be over 45 (wow, didn't know I had fans that age, no disrespect,) and the other 27% won't reveal their ages... oh well.

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