It's been months. Now it's towards the end of December. My ankle is totally healed. And the Yuki fan club officially hates me. Good for them! Yuki and I aren't going out. Just friends. We all sat around the table sipping hot cocoa. When there was a knock at the door. Shigure stood.
"Hello. My name is Shigure." Shigure introduced.
"I'm Layla." A voice responded. I quickly stood and ran over. I saw the girl's small frame, blonde hair, and bright blue eyes.
"Layla!" I exclaimed.
"Crystal!" Layla cheered. I ran and hugged Layla tight.
"Layla!" Carnation exclaimed. Carnation hugged Layla too. The two of us released Layla.
"Come inside!" I instructed. Layla walked in.
"Hi I'm Layla!" Layla introduced to the others.
"Hi I'm Tohru Honda!" Tohru greeted.
"My name is Yuki Sohma." Yuki informed.
"I'm Kyo Sohma." Kyo added.
"And I am Shigure Sohma." Shigure smiled brightly.
"Are you guys zodiacs too?" Layla asked.
"Why yes we are. I'm assuming you are a zodiac too?" Shigure asked.
"Yep! I'm the Capricorn zodiac!" Layla replied.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Layla!" Tohru smiled. "I'll make you some hot cocoa." Tohru walked into the kitchen. The three if us sat down.
"So what zodiacs are you?" Layla asked.
"I'm the rat, Shigure is the dog, and Kyo is the cat." Yuki informed.
"Cool!" Layla beamed.
"So I'm assuming you three are friends?" Shigure asked.
"Oh yeah!" Carnation laughed.
"We've been best friends since forever!" I laughed. "It's hard for all three of us to get together since my family travels a lot."
"Yeah we normally get SUPER crazy at the Zodi New Years Ball." Layla informed. "Oh are you guys going to the New Years Ball?"
"Oh. I dunno." I shrugged.
"What's that?" Kyo asked.
"This big party the Zodi family throw every new year in the Zodi family mansion." I informed. "It's a pretty big deal!"
"That's fun." Yuki nodded.
"You should all come!" Layla exclaimed.
"Go where?" Tohru asked as she gave Layla the hot cocoa.
"To Greece." The three of us informed in unison. All the color drained out of Tohru's face.
"G-Grece!" Tohru stammered.
"That would be lovely!" Shigure beamed.
"I can't pay for that!" Tohru exclaimed.
"Don't worry! The Zodi family has a private jet!" Layla informed.
"Wow. Impressive." Kyo nodded.
"When does the airport open?" I asked.
"I'll check." Carnation informed and pulled out her phone. "Tomorrow morning."
"Ok. We'll leave then!" I exclaimed.
"Sounds like a plan!" Carnation nodded.
"But, we need dresses." I informed.
"Why don't you, Tohru, Layla and Carnation go shopping." Shigure suggested.
"That sounds great!" Carnation whooped.
"Here's my credit card. Make sure to buy something cute!" Shigure smiled
"Thanks Shigure!" Tohru beamed and took the credit card.
We all bought dresses. Tohru got a medium length white dress with a grey blouse. Layla got a short blue one sleeved dress with a flower on the belt. Carnation got a black and red lace dress that went to her ankles. I got a short sleeveless pastel pink short dress with a silver belt.
We all went back home and rested up for the morning.

Two Zodiacs
أدب الهواةThere are new zodiacs. But aren't Chinese zodiac. But Greek zodiac! All rights to fruits basket if you haven't watched/read fruits basket this will be VERY confusing!!!