Load Data 2: The First Floor

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With a battle cry, I thrust the blade forward, piercing through the humanoid lizard in front of me. Though there is no such thing as blood in this game, the red pixels forming around the wound was enough to indicate that I did the job.

As it drops down to the ground, the lizard made one last cry before it burst into million of light particles that floats to the sky.

A window popped up in front of me, indicating to me the results of the battle.

"210 coin and 72 exp, huh? Well I shouldn't expect much from the first floor anyway.."

Putting my sword back into its sheathe, I turned around and made my way back to Starting Town as my mind began to play back everything that has happened in this past two weeks.


"Are you kidding me?! I am definitely not going out there and get myself killed!!", screamed Amrit at the top of her lungs as she slammed her hand on the wall.

"You didn't have to scream. We're not going to die! We'll gt ourselves revived! Heck, what do you think we should do then? Stay here and wait for help?", I shot back but even I know that was a wrong move with a weak reply.

"Well duh. Surely someone in the real world is looking for us! Heck, I'm sure this is considered an international problem!!"

"How can you be so sure that-"

"Enough! Shut up, you two! You guys are being too loud! You're not making anything better.", another voice boomed out, belonging to that of Syahindah.

When I looked at her, I was also forced to look at the state of my classmates were making me feel as if I have something twisting my insides into a knot.

After that entire announcement, everything immediately went south but as NPCs were starting to swarm the plaza, everyone that was still strong enough guided everyone to a free inn, making it our base of operation, something along those lines.

What occur after that, well the majority of the class had a breakdown. Well who wouldn't? We just received the knowledge that we are stuck in this game and the only way to clear it is to beat all 100 floors of this game! Who knows how long and difficult it was going to be?!

But then again, I didn't. I would have to thank the gamer part of myself for it. Knowing that I am stuck in this game and I have this amazing mission to clear all 100 floors just fills me with such thrill and excitement! It's the wish of every gamer for godsake!

But when my thoughts wander to how this wish had gotten everyone involved, I can't help but feel somewhat guilty. That's why I feel ever more motivated to clear the game faster. To get rid of this guilt. I had thought of seeking everyone's assistance but that does not seem to go as planned..

"Why don't we just wait it out for awhile, Izzy? See if anyone would save us. If it doesn't work out, then... I guess we just have to clear the game.", Azim, the voice of reasons for the class said as he gave me the look that bothers me the most.

I had this nagging feeling that somehow that was not going to work. While I was not smart enough to think of the reason as to why, but I had this gut feeling that there was no possible way for us to be saved.

But then again, I have always been the one in the wrong when it comes to this.. even so, I..

"So be it. I'll go and clear this game myself! I just can't wait to come here again and say I told you so!"


Without giving much thought, I walked out of the inn, ignoring the calls of my name by my classmates as I steeled myself to clear this game. Alone if I have to.

Class Fantasia: SIDE DATAWhere stories live. Discover now