Load Data 7: Lonely Garden -core-

36 2 0

Her beautiful hair that flutters by the wind and her smooth pale skin kissed by the light and the wind. Her bright yet dull blue eyes that gazes into me.

If I was in the real world, I would have long fallen in love with such beauty but the very painting before me, despite its beauty, holds the very air of danger and screaming with terror.

The AI before us was not a town NPC nor was it a guide to help us. No. This girl before is the enemy. Never would it have crossed my mind, a day where I would face a humanoid enemy.

Slowly, she raises her greatsword in hand up to the air singlehandedly.

"Here she comes!", I said loud enough for everyone else on the other side of where I am to hear me as they all took their fighting stances as do I.

It was in a flash.

The second she brought down her sword, a single step was it need. A single step was needed. Just in a single step, the distance between me and her was shorten and she was merely inches away from me.


A huge shadow was cast above and it was thanks my reflex and sheer adrenaline, I brought my sword upwards and block the hammering greatsword from slicing me in half. Even by blocking, the impact was enough to sunken my feet down to the ground.


She was too strong. My mind was focused on one thing. Stopping the blade from reaching me. Yet, that very blade along with mine was merely inches above my head. Even with my high strength stat, I was still not able to keep the greatsword at bay.

"Just how strong are you?!"

I heard ruffling and my eyes avert to the side to see Ansar running up to and ready to slash upwards.

The girl merely glance and immediatley shifts her target from me to Ansar as she lifted her sword from me and swung it to Ansar. At that very moment, I felt a huge burden lifted from me and I immediately felt light headed.

However, my time to breathe for air was shortlived as Ansar was simply thrown backwards by the girl's attack and she used the momentum of her sword to spin around and also attack me. This time, I was totally caught by surprised over her upwards slash and was immediately thrown up to the air, my sword forcefully flung away from me.


I saw my green health bar dropping like a stone and already was it at the yellow zone.

To have this much damage in a single attack?! This is too much!!

She didn't stop there as she lunged her sword forward, ready to impale me in just a few seconds. Thankfully, a few rounds of shots were fired by Azim and in an act of defense, she swung her sword to side to block the bullets.

"Well that... didn't do much.", Azim said.

The blast created from swing was strong enough to throw me back even futher fortunately and gave me more space from her.

A figure immediately leaped upwards behind the girl and I could straight tell from those looks that rhe figure was Ansar. His sword shines in white and I could feel the pressure building up.

He is going to use that...

"[Imperial Blade: Omega Burst]!"

Bringing his sword down, the girl was able to block it head on as a huge shockwave of energy pulsed through the area as the two sword made contact. The sudden movement had made the girl lost her footing and that alone was enough to seal the deal.

Class Fantasia: SIDE DATAWhere stories live. Discover now