Load Data 8: Prelude to All

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"Say, say! Do you have any dreams that you want to come true?", a young kid wearing glasses jumped off the swing and looked at the duo that were still on the swing.

"Dreams? Beats me. I like things the way they are now.", another young boy wearing a hoodie that has the name Ray on it said.

"....I think I do.", a small petite girl slowly said those words.

"Oh!! What is it?!"

"W-well you know how I can't really do much since I have a frail body.... so I've been thinking... how nice it would be living the life of a character in a fantasy world. Like the ones in those video games. I want to be strong and brave and most of all... I want to be free and see what the world looks like... hihi... something like that."

"Yeah, like that's gonna happen.", Ray said in monotone.

"..ye-yeah, I guess so."

"It's gonna happen!", the kid with glasses shouted surprising the other duo

"Huh?", this caught their attention and the duo was surprised to see that the kid had fire in his eyes.

"It's gonna happen! You said you wanted to live in a fantasy world right? Well I'm gonna create one!! Like in those TV shows where you can actually go inside a game!! I will make it happen!!"

While Ray has intended to laugh at it at first, seeing the determination in the kids eyes did not help much and he merely smiled at his friends antics.

Meanwhile, the small girl was shocked to hear it but a warm smile grace itself on her face.


"Woah. What are you readin there?"

"Huh? Oh, its you two. Hey Ray! Ion! Here!", the kid with glasses, now in his teenage years threw a journal book and was caught by another boy.

"What's this?"

"See what's inside, Ray."

Ray, alongside the girl that came along with him peered into the book and they could not help but be surprised by the findings in the book.

"T-this is..!"

"What do you think? Not a bad idea right? I call it Project Fantasia! So wanna help?"

"Sure!", the duo agreed and immediately took their seats on the library, reading whatever books that the boy with glasses have brought with him.


"Welcome to our new home, dear!"

"Yay! Eventhough it looks cheap and rundown."

The man with glasses sweatdropped at the woman beside him over her comment yet he was still holding onto her hand tightly. The metal wrapping one of their fingers shines red thanks to its ruby accesrory.

The echoing sound of footsteps in a wild manner alerted the duo and they could not help but smile fondly at the bundle of energy before them.

"Mama! Papa! This place looks amazing!! It looks like one of those secret bases where people make in caves!!", the little kid joyfully shouted as he jumped up and down.

"... did he just called the house that I worked for a cave?", the man was crestfallen at that yet could not help but stiffle a chuckle as his wife beside him giggled at their son's behaviour.

"Well he did said that is is amazing! So I suppose that's a plus."

"Haha!! I suppose so, I-o-n dear!"

The woman exploded into red after hearing those names whispered to her and unfortunately, her flailing around her hands did not do much damage to her husband who was laughing at her embarassment.

Class Fantasia: SIDE DATAWhere stories live. Discover now