Chapter 12

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Entering back into the cafeteria, you see that Sean is still sitting there trying to make conversation with Stacey. "Urgh Sean, stop flirting with my friends!" You snap in a fainter tone seeing that there is no way to get rid of him; you'll just have to put up with him for a while longer.

"Who's this Harry kid?" Sean asks in a cold tone after seeing you practically run after him. "Just a friend. He wanted to ask me a question but you scared him off." You look over to him and sigh faintly. "Lets hope he remains 'just a friend' but I bet he's no competition," he chuckles a bit louder than intended, "and why was he scared?"

"It's his second day, give it a rest Sean. You might want to be nice to him; coach told him to try out for quarterback which means as team captain you'll have to be with him." Things just seemed to go from bad to worse for Sean; his once calm blue eyes turn icy.

"Sean it's ok." You kiss him on the cheek calming him down. Although you didn't want anything to do with him, you had to stop him from going off because there's two things that he loves; you and football. Right now Harry seemed to be getting in the middle of them both.

Sean relaxes and continues having his lunch. The bell goes for class and you stand up and take your bag. Sean wraps one arm around your waist and walks you down the hallway to your class. Catching a glimpse of Harry, Sean death stares him as Harry innocently comes into class.

"I swear if you lay a finger on Harry you will pay." You softly growl as Sean untangles himself from you. "Just be careful with him." He snarls and walks away to his class. "Great!" You sarcastically humph as you take out your chair and take a seat.

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