Chapter 5

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"Sorry we're late sir, it's just Harry's first day and-" The teacher cuts you off mid sentence as you explain yourself. "It's ok, just take a seat." He breathes out heavily as you could see he didn't care about explanations. You take your usual spot next to your friend while Harry does the same as last lesson and sits in the back corner. You would think he would at least try to create some new friends instead of being alone. But hey, that's not your decision to make. "Where were you?" Your friend looks over to you as she's all ears. "I was with Harry, he was just a little lost that's all." You whisper back as your teacher starts the lesson. "The school's not even that big." Your friend unintentionally snaps back. "Give him some slack; it's his first day." You groan back at her and sink back into your seat. "Now today I will pair you up for a group assignment that will be due in a week." Your teachers voice trails on for what seems like ever. "[Y/N]." Your teacher says sharply awakening you from your thoughts. "You will be paired up with Harry." Turning around, you glance back at Harry and see him look up to you with a faint smile on his face. Mr Belmont continues to pair people until everyone has someone. "Now go sit with your partner and I will hand out the task sheet." Soft groans and grumbles can be heard amongst people as they move around. "Hey." Harry's raspy voice surprises you as he takes a seat next to you. "Guess we're partners." You smile at him and the teacher comes around and gives you the assignment. Both of you reach for the paper at the same time making your hands connect briefly. Harry's hands are soft and gentle as they brush past yours. Blushing slightly, you take your hand away. "Sorry." You whisper as you look into Harry's bright green eyes. 

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