Chapter 56

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

It's minutes before the game. The crowd is roaring impatiently and everyone has their banners which correspond to the team they're supporting. Skimming over the stand, I see [Y/N] in the front row with Monica and Stacey. They're standing there all huddled up in their hoodies waiting eagerly for the game to start.

"Hey Sean." I say in a sturdy tone as I abruptly turn around and look him straight in the eyes. "What?!" He growls back annoyed. "Look I know I've caused you trouble. Hell you've been giving me shit for it all term. But today, out on the field, we have to accept our differences and work together."

"Work together? Oh Styles." Sean rolls his eyes and mocks me. "Emmet. Look," I huskily snap un-intendedly as I point out to crowd, "Those people out there are supporting us. They want us to win and I /know/ we can. They need you. They need us; need us to be a team.

Only as a functioning team we can do this properly. So come on and grow up. I'm not asking you to like me, all I'm asking is for you to see past your nose and get over it."

I stare into his eyes for a while hoping he'd get the message that I'm throwing at him. His eyes seem to become nicer and his taunting smirk fades into a serious look. Good; he got it. Turning around, coach gathers us all together and throws in some words of motivation. Huddling, we place our hands in the middle all piled on top of each other and let go in a cheer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls; tonight we have a big game on our hands!" The man over the PA says as he talks about the game, "Now first of all I would like you all to give it up for the Tigers of Benton High School!"

"That's your cue!" Coach shouts and pats us all on the back as we run out into the field. The crowd goes wild, banners and posters all over the place. "And now the opposing team from West Dainty High...the Pumas!"

The other team runs onto the field and yet again the crowd cheers. The people settle down, well at least become less arousing and we all get into position. The whistle is blown and the ball is passed. A mix of sweat, limbs and determination is shown on the field. Muck lines my clothes as the rain begins to sprinkle.

The half time hooter goes and the clock on the flashing board freezes. The score is tied; 3-3. We really have to step it up a notch if we want to win. We can do this. "Gosh Harry, aren't you cold?" [Y/N] whispers as she comes offside to see me. "I'm fine. You, you warm enough?" I shoot a worried look.

"Yeah I am. Anyways, Harry you're amazing out on the field. Your team deserves to win." She places a soft kiss on my cheek and rubs her nose against mine.

"Thanks. I have to go now. We'll win this, just you see." I give her a warm kiss on the lips and say goodbye. "Remember the game plan." Coach tells us just before to hooter goes again signaling us to get our butts on the field.

"You can do it!" Coach shouts and fist bumps the air with power. Sighing under my breath, I shake myself up for the second half of the match; the final two quarters.





So close to the end! aahh! The final match ooOOhh! Love you all xx


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