Chapter 7

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Day 5. 9 Days, 6 hours, and 17 minutes left.

Mabel's POV
I heard dipper yelling around downstairs with Grunkle Ford so naturally and went down there to see what was going on.

"...and I wouldn't! I just want to know why!!!" Dipper whined. I rolled my eyes. He was almost a teenager and still asking why like a two year old? Well, who am I kidding, I still walk up the stairs like an animal...long story.

"Because it's too dangerous to tell you. If anyone else knew about this the whole world could-"
"Hey guys!" I say cheerfully. Ford stares at me and Dipper's starts turning a funny shade of blue.

"Knew about what Grunkle Ford?" I watch them both stare at me.
"Um...nothing important Mabel, why don't you go play with waffles or something?" Dipper asks turning a dark blue than normal.

"Um, cause I wanted to play with you. And I can't find waddles..." I whisper the last part. "Anywho, so wanna play?"

"Not right now." He replied. I sighed and walked back upstairs.
"tough luck shooting star!" a voice echoed.
"Leave me alone!" I retort. I run outside and lean up against a tree. "It's not fair!!" I say and kick a rock. The rock skips across a small stream lands in the water. I wander over to the water and sit down beside it.

"Look. I look like a freak." I sigh. "I'm flipping orange! I have a rock stuck in my chest and I have a 'Magical Hammer' ugh." I throw another stone. That stone splashes water in my face and for some reason it stings.

"Probably some gem side affect." I mutter. It was true. After this drama had happened I wasn't my normal happy self anymore. Suddenly there was a pain. Not in my heart but right where my gem was, and it was enough to scream. But I didn't and sitting beside the river I fell over on the ground and clenched my gem with a orange hand.
"" I whispered and everything blacked.

Dipper's POV

I sighed. After my talk with Great Uncle Ford I went upstairs. Mabel wasn't anywhere in sight and I was bored. I sorta felt bad for ditching her today so I decided to pay her an apology.

"Mabel?" She wasn't in The gift shop and she wasn't in the living room either. After checking the kitchen and upstairs I still didn't find her.

"Mabel?" I called again. Maybe she went outside. I though and walked out of the shop, ignoring weird looks.

"Mabel?" I yelled again. Now I was worried. She doesn't run off without an explanation! Ever! I broke into a run and raced into the forest. Man, I must've really bothered her. That's when I reached Gravity Falls Creek. I saw Mabel, who appeared okay but she want moving. Not a good sign.

"Mabel!" I said with relief and ran over to her. She didn't move.

"Mabel?" I shook her. "Mabel come on wake up!" No answer. That terrified me. For what seemed like a dead body was breathing and she suddenly flipped open her eyelids and stared at me.

"D-dipper? How did you find me?" She asked rested in my arms.

"Mabel! I'm so glad your okay! I've been looking everywhere for you." I squeezed her and she laughed.

"So you do care?"

"What?!" I looked up surprised.

"So you do care?" Mabel asked. I was taken aback.

"Of course I do!" I hugged her so tight. Nothing much after that happened. We went home and me and Mabel played the rest of the day.

Bill's POV

I float around in the mindscape, twiddling my thumbs.
"I'll get them. And they won't know what hit em! MWAHAHAHA!!"

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