Partner (Kageyama)

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I think the first time I realized that I had feelings for him was when we were accidentally got locked in the gym. Not my mistake of course.

Hinata just wouldn't shut up about practicing some more and he said he would keep bugging me until we did.

He said when we walk home he'll ask about it nonstop, he would call me when we parted ways to our separate homes, then he would text me when he couldn't call me, and the very next morning he would bug me as well.

I certainly didn't want that to happen. He was most likely exaggerating but with him you can't take chances.

I don't know why he wanted me to toss to him so badly either. So we both snuck into the gym and as soon as we were in the storage room we heard a little click. Neither of us we're talking so that is the only reason we heard it.

We both ran to the door and realized it was locked and we just stood there.

"Kageyama... uh, I'm sorry, this was my idea and we got locked in."

Naturally I would yell at him and I did want to pound him to dust but when I turned to him, I couldn't bring myself to do it. He gave this face like he was gonna burst out into tears and he was scared for his life.

At that moment I realized I already had my hand up to smack him. I slowly put it down and turned my eyes away from him saying, "It's okay dumbass. It is my fault too. Lets find something soft to sleep on in the equipment room. After that we shall go practice."

His face slowly rose to meet mine and his eyes sparkled like no there was no tomorrow.

"Yes!" He shouted and ran off to the equipment room.

Damn, he's so cute. My eyes widen at my thought and then I got angry at myself.

He's your teammate and partner. I shake my head trying to get rid of the other definition of partner that came up.

When I came to the real world, Hinata was already had the volleyball net out.

"Oi, dumbass! We can't sleep on that!"

"Its not for sleeping Bakayama! It is for playing!"

"Did you not hear a word I said?" I sigh but help him set up the net.

I tossed many tosses and he spiked all of them perfectly. We also worked on receiving and serves.

It was almost midnight when I said we needed to stop. But to be honest, I felt like me and him could play forever, together and alone.

I reluctantly dragged the basket of volleyballs we had taken out back into the equipment room. When I got there Hinata was already spread out across a mat that the cheerleading team left when they used our gym once. Unfortunately there was only one.

"I guess well have to share huh?"


"Eh? So then one of us is gonna have to sleep on the floor then?"

"Thanks for volunteering." I say as I throw myself into the mat, face first, next to Hinata.

"Woah, woah, woah. There's enough room for both of us to sleep here. And besides I found it first so I get to sleep here!"

"Well I'm not moving dumbass!" I say into the mat. I then turn my back to him.

"I guess we are sharing after all! But I'm on the edge so I'm scooting closer to you."

In all honesty it really wasn't a big mat and there was not enough room for the both of us. It was probably one of the mats we're they land on after jumping over someone or just in case they fall down or something. I know nothing except volleyball so I could careless.

I hear the mat crinkling and a plop and a sudden gust of air when Hinata landed beside me. He also kicked me in the process.

"Oh sorry Kageyama!" he yells out in fear. I hear him scoot back a little.

"It was an accident, was it not? Its not like you did it on purpose, right?"

"Oh really?" Clear surprise and sarcasm in his voice, "I thought you would get mad at me because remember that time I accidentally  served a volleyball into the back of your head? That was an accident and you still got mad! That was the scariest thing to ever happen to me!"

"That wasn't an accident. That was just you being stupid... but I scared you?"

"Yeah all by the time actually. You get mad a lot and call me a lot of names."

"I do not dumbass!" I turn around and face him. Mistake on my part. His face was so close that if I just moved a few inches closer, I could kiss him.

Kiss him? Why did my brain switch to that?

"Bakayama are you ok? Your face is incredibly red."

I quickly turn back around and cover my face up with my jacket best I could.

"You just look so pretty," I whisper.

"What was that Kageyama?"


When I woke the next morning it was around four because my phone's alarm went off.

The alarm was for when I got up to get ready for morning practice. For some reason Hinata didn't hear it at all.

I try to reach for my phone but realized I couldn't. I looked down at myself and saw arms around me. I suddenly panicked trying to remember yesterday's events. I shot out of the arms that we're around my waist and realized it was Hinata that was there.

Oh right we got locked in the gym...

I went to my phone and shut off the alarm and put another one on for two hours from now. Morning practice starts at uh, seven or eight, I don't really know. I usually get here by six though to practice with Hinata outside.

I turn to the sleeping boy and smile softly. He really does look pretty. His face was so calm and didn't hold any emotion. His hair was a complete mess and his mouth was slightly open too. His lips... the they looked so soft and so delicate.

Are they really as soft as they look?

I lean closer to Hinata, towering over him. I put my face directly in front of his soft sleeping one and placed my lips on his. I close my eyes and leave my lips in his for a few seconds and then pull away slowly.

I-I-I just kissed Hinata! I mean this doesn't count does it?

I look back to the undisturbed sleepy ginger and realized I think I liked him. But I liked him as in a partner. Not in a teammate partner, but as a partner, partner. The other definition that I was so embarrassed by because it popped into my head.

A romantic partner.

{KageHina} There's Something I've Been Meaning To Tell YouWhere stories live. Discover now