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I think the first time that Kageyama told me to call him by his first name was when we were in our second year and we were meeting all the first years that were coming in. Tsukishima laughed at me and told me that they were all taller than me and made fun of me. I told him to shut up and Kageyama was about to go off on him for some reason.

Although he was right I didn't like the fact that he pointed it out. I didn't grow at all in the past year and Noya-senpai was catching up to me! We are practically the same height now and I definitely don't want to be the shortest player on the team!

"Alright I'm the captain Ennoshita Chikara. I am a third year and my position is wing spiker. I look forward to playing with all of you. Let's have a great season this year!" Ennoshita then pointed to each one of us and we each said our name, our year, and position.

"Hi nice to meet you! I'm second year, middle blocker, Hinata Shouyou! Call me anything you'd like!"

Kageyama tsked so loud it echoed as he was speaking. "Kageyama Tobio. Second Year. Setter. Pleased to meet you." He finishes it with a slight bow.

After everyone else introduced themselves, the current members were paired up and the first years were put with each pair. Kageyama and I were paired together so we can show a first year, who also wanted to be a middle blocker, our freak quick spike. He was really nice and he called me "Shouyou-senpai."

"Kageyama toss to me! Toss! Toss!" I swished my hand up and down in a spiking motion and pulled on Kageyama's sleeve.

"You don't have to ask for a toss, you know I'll give you one." He pulls my hand off of him and picks up the nearest volleyball. "Ready?"

I didn't answer and just went ahead and jumped. Smack! I land on the ground and smile over to Kageyama, who was also giving a faint smile of his own.

"AMAZING!" I turn to the yelling voice and see that the first year staring at us in awe. "Do you think I would ever be able to do that Shouyou-senpai?!?"

"No." We both turn to Kageyama and he had this really nasty glare aimed at the first year. His voice showed great irritation. He grabs another volleyball from the cart and looks like he's about to pop it with just one hand.

"Eh? Shouyou-senpai what does he mean that we aren't allowed to do it?" The first year turns to me and looks scared to death. "I guess I was jumping the gun huh? Of course I wouldn't be able to do it."

"You can't do it because I won't allow it and you don't have the physical ability to do it because I can control the toss and this dumbass here has incredible jumping power even though he is short as hell. Further more it's our spike and if you even try to intimate it, you will fail because we are special or something. I forgot the rest."

"Forgot the rest?" The first year asks us confused.

"Yeah our last vice-captain told us something like that and why no one else can do it. AND STOP CALLING ME DUMBASS BAKAYAMA!"

Kageyama clicks his tongue and smacks me on the head again with the volleyball he had in his hands. I knew better than just to hit him back and I also knew that the first year was started to get freaked out by us.

"Show him how to jump or some shit while I'll go practice some serves. And you first year." He jags his finger to him. "Show some respect. You haven't earned the right to call him by his first name yet." He leaves taking the volleyball with him.

"Ah I'm sorry I really shouldn't be calling you by your first name. You said to call you anything though."

"No you are fine. I don't know why he's so angry about it though." I look over to Kageyama leaning my body to the side to get a better view. Kageyama has the volleyball against his face and then he takes a deep breath and then lets it out. He doesn't do anything else but stand there.

"How about you show me how you jump, ok?" I give him what I would consider an award winning smile and he gives me one in return.

"Why are you letting that first year call you by your first name?" That was the first thing that Kageyama said as we headed to lunch. We went to go sit up on the roof of the school today. We sit somewhere new almost every day, don't ask me why.

"I don't see a problem with it." I sit down and lean my back against the wall.

"That doesn't matter. He is your kohai and he should be addressing you as so." Kageyama sits down beside me putting his bento in his lap.

"What's the big idea Kageyama? It's not like I need your permission to give my permission for someone to call me by my first name!"

"Huh? That absolutely made no sense! Besides it's the fact THAT I CAN'T CALL YOU BY YOUR FIRST NAME! ESPECIALLY WHEN I AM-" Kageyama's stopped yelling so suddenly that I could tell that for some reason he was actually hurt by this.

I stare straight at him so confused but surprised that Kageyama was sharing his feelings with me. His eyes grew so wide I thought they were going to burst. And he breathed in so deeply that I was worried he was going to take all the air that I need to breathe. He turns away from me and I hear him exhale. He opens his bento and starts picking at his food. I open my own bento and start pick ay it as well.

I am what? What was he going to say? I am...  your partner? your friend? someone that has know you longer?  I can't possibly think of what he was going to say. love with me? NO THAT COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE IT! DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP LIKE THAT!

We sit there for a little bit in what feels kinda an uncomfortable silence to me so I decided to break it. "I didn't think of it like that, sorry..." He doesn't answer me and just continues to eat his lunch. "Tobio?" I shove my face in front of his trying to get his attention. Whoops...

He puts his hand on my face and shoves it away from him. I fall backwards spilling whatever was left of my lunch onto the ground. "Tobio! Now I'll go hungry!"

Kageyama finally turns to me, and looks at me his face bright red. "You- You-" He turns his face to the side but his eyes were still looking directly into mine. "I didn't eat much lunch so- so- we can... share?"

"Ah well it is your fault I don't have-"


"Yes!" I pick up my spilled lunch and put it in the trash and sit back down next to Kageya- Tobio.

"Dumbass Hina-"

"Shouyou." I interrupt smiling up to him.

He sighs but smiles slightly. He grabs a piece of food with his chopsticks and shoves it into my mouth without my permission. My eyes grow wide in surprise but I don't say anything about it and just start chewing it. My face is probably so red but the chopsticks were in his mouth before and he just-

"Dumbass Shoyuou."

{KageHina} There's Something I've Been Meaning To Tell YouWhere stories live. Discover now