My Wonderful Summer (Tobio)

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Shouyou and I talked a little over the break. The time difference made it hard it was manageable. Weeks began to pass before I got another text back and of course it was my fault. He should enjoy his vacation instead of wasting it on me.

When it was time for me to start packing for college my parents finally came home. I stayed in my room packing and ignore them when they came to "talk" to me.

When I was ten I put a lock on my door because someone once broke into my house. As surprising as it was (since I live in a relatively safe area) it scared me to death. I watched the robber come into my room and grabbed whatever looked valuable.

I hid in my closet with no idea what to do because I was alone and scared out of my mind. I eventually somehow fell asleep and thank the lord I wasn't found. As soon as I woke up I grabbed whatever money I could find and bought a lock for my door. I thought it could at least protect me from anyone else that would come in.

I look at the lock now and breathe out deeply. It is put in the lock position and my mother is knocking at my door telling me to come out and appreciate whatever time we have left.

I stop what I'm doing and hunt down for my earbuds. Once I find them I shove them into my ears blaring whatever music I had playing last. I listen to whatever songs come next until my hunger gets the better of me.

I go down stairs slowly not wanting to see either of my parents. That of course was unavoidable. My mother was there making herself a sandwich while my dad was on his laptop sitting at the kitchen table.

I quietly open the fridge and readjust my ear buds. I pull out the milk carton and turn to grab a glass from the cabinet but my mother was there staring me down.

"Tobio we need to talk." I walk around her and grab a glass and poured myself some milk. "Tobio don't ignore me."

I gulp down my milk and pour some more into my empty glass.

"Fine. Just listen to what I have to say then." She pulls my left earbud out and I just let it hang.

I walk around her and open the fridge once again. I began to put out all the ingredients to make a slow boiled egg.

"Now I know we haven't been here but you know we've been busy with work." I snorted and pulled out my phone to turn down the volume of my music a bit.

"We've decided to come back for this week and next week. You leave sometime next week right?" She pauses like she expects an answer. "We came back to spend time with you. We want to see you off. Tobio- here let me cook that for you."

She pushes me out of the way and starts cooking my slow boiled egg for me. I go and sit down at the opposite end of the table from my father and I pull out my phone to pass time.

I looked up old volleyball matches and my schedule for my college as well. I switch to my texts and I just stare at the last one Shouyou sent me.

Awhile back Shouyou just randomly sent me, "I love you." I didn't know how to respond. I desperately wanted to respond and say "I love you too" but I just couldn't seem to type it. He just sent it to me out of the blue.

"So Tobio do you have yourself a girlfriend?" I look up and my mother was there reading over my shoulder. She places my food in front of me and snatches up my phone. I stand back up and jerk it back from her.

"Tobio calm down. I don't have a problem-"

"It's a boy. Do you have a problem now?" My mom just stood there in silence and for the first time my dad finally said something to me.

"Are you gay?"

"Problem?" I put my phone back into my pocket and grab my food.

"Where are you going?" My mother called after me as I walked upstairs.

"Tobio get back here because that isn't right."

Wasn't right?  They come in at the last few weeks before I am off to college and start telling me whats right and wrong? Fuck that.

"Tobio get back down here now so we can talk some sense into you."

I slam the door to my father's voice and my food falls to the floor. It's ok I probably wasn't gonna eat it anyway. Something falls down my face and I go to wipe it.

Ah I'm crying.

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