You Said It First (Tobio)

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"We aren't gonna see each other at all then?" I let go of his hands and now it is my turn to cry.

"We couldn't even get accepted to the same college and the only chance we are going to see each other is if by chance during matches! But... but..." I started to trip over my words and Shouyou was just staring at me confused as hell.

"You don't know how badly I need you!" I practically screamed it at him.

Ah fuck me and my emotions. It was all over for me now. Well at least I'm probably never gonna see him again.

"You need me?" His eyes we're so wide and his smile...

I don't say anything in reply and instead I grab his face. His lips were as soft as I expected them to be. Lately I've been thinking about kissing him, but it was nothing compared to the real thing.

I bite his bottom lip gently and I hear him suck in a breath. My hand reaches for his neck on it's own and I grab at his bright orange hair. I run my fingers through it and it was just so soft that I wanted to keep touching it forever.

I begun to kiss him harder when I hear a moan escape from his lips. He places his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I shift a little, my back and neck starting to hurt but did I care? No I didn't give a damn.

I was finally kissing Shouyou and he was kissing me back.

Shouyou pulls back from me a little breaking our kiss. "I'm sorry I'm so short. Your-"

"You are perfect just the way you are, there's not a thing- Well there is the-"

"You are ruining the moment."

"Shut up I'm trying." He smiles so brightly that I swear my eyesight is now forever damaged.

"I don't want to go."

"Neither do I." We stand there in each others arms for a few minutes before I release him. He looks at me saddened and I just smile down at him.

"You know I thought I would never see you smile like that! You are smiling from you're heart and it is not forced!" He gives me one of his genuine smiles in return and then hops on his bike. "I guess this is goodbye huh?"

"Yeah." Shouyou sighs and then turns away from me. He begins to pedal away from me... forever...

Not just yet he isn't!

He only made it a good five feet before I went over and yanked the back of his shirt. He nearly fell off his bike but I caught him. 

"I um.. I... lo... you. I mean I- " Damit why couldn't I say these three words. "I-I-"

"I love you too Kageyama Tobio! I always will too and I know you are trying to say it but I can only imagine how hard it is for you. I know you love me so it's ok. I can wait to hear it."

I let go of his shirt shocked and he just starts pedaling away from me.


I hear him laugh and yell back at me "Looks like I won this one!"

{KageHina} There's Something I've Been Meaning To Tell YouWhere stories live. Discover now