Gee Thanks Mom (Cutted) (Shouyou)

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"Ah mom? Natsu fell asleep."

"Really Shouyou, she did? That should make it easier to watch her then."

"Yeah it sure will be! Go enjoy yourself at the spa."

"Thank you Shouyou. I love you." She comes and kisses the top of my forehead and I say, "I love you too."

My mom leaves the room and closes the door quietly. I lay down in my bed and just stare up at the ceiling.

Two days from now we are heading back for Japan. I desperately wanted to see Tobio. He stopped texting Mr after I sent him my I love you. Man he can't even text it!?!? I have to admit that happened my mood and my mom noticed so I just went ahead and spilled out everything that ever happened between me and Tobio.

She laughed and told me, "It's about time!" Gee thanks mom.

She also told me it takes time for some people to come out and say I love you. And shes meet Tobio before and that she believes he's going to take an extra long time for him to say it.

I asked why and she wouldn't tell me why. For some reason that bugged me even more.

I sit up in my bed and grab my laptop from my bad and flipped it open. I waited until the log in screen popped up and then I typed in my password. I clicked the internet button, which took forever to load since this hotel wifi sucked, and typed up Tobio's college.

I hit the sports link at the college website and scrolled down to volleyball. Once at the volleyball page, I clicked on the schedule of games. Their first one was in a week. School already started for him but mine starts in a week, the day of his first game.

I smiled and thought, Well looks like I'm missing my first day of school.

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