He Saved Me (Tobio)

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The last time I saw Shouyou was the graduation ceremony. We were saying goodbyes to all or kohais and then the end of the day came just like that.

It was sad to walk out of the gates of Karasuno with Shouyou. It would be the last time we'd probably ever set foot there. It was the place where I fell in love for him and saw him everyday.

We may have not have had the same classes but he was always there. I saw him in the hallways and at lunch. And even though he didn't start eating lunch with me until halfway through our second year, it felt like he was always there. I felt really happy because he always lit up my shitty day.

Ah but enough of that reminiscent crap, that was then, this is now.

There was a lot I wanted to say to him but nothing came up when we were walking along on the sidewalk. I guess he couldn't think of anything to say either because he was just as quiet as I was. I look over to him wanting to say something, anything to break the silence but my mouth wouldn't open. My lips were stuck together. My mind was focused on one thing and if I opened my mouth right now it would probably come spilling out.

Hinata Shouyou I love you and I don't want to say goodbye.

Shouyou's bike chain rattled from time to time and it squeaked every time he ran over something. Those noises it constantly made started to annoy the crap out of me. I never really payed attention to the noises it made before or how its starting to rust on the sides. Or how old the bike really was or how the colors were started to fade. Or how he always walked on the side that was closest to me or-

"You want to go or something Tobio?"

I blink and reality comes rushing back to me. I stared at Shouyou to long.

"No." I answer slowly and look away from him. Anywhere but him for right now was good. Focus on walking straight.

"Tobio look back to me! I was talking to you!" I reluctantly look back to him, nearly tripping in the process. "You were staring at me. Why were you staring at me like that?" He swings his head up to me and looks me straight into my eyes.

He still had to tilt his head up to see me and it was actually still kinda funny. He only grew like four centimeters during high school and I grew five. He was so pissed when I told him.

"How was I looking at you?" I step away from him a little but I still stared into his eyes.

"It was like you were mad at me. But it also looked like you were sad."

"I was just thinking about us." Whoops. Walk faster Tobio, walk faster.

"What do you mean by that?" He caught up to me.

"I was just thinking about if we were ever going to see each other again." I spit out at him.

His beautiful golden or orange or brown eyes widen in surprise. (I honestly could never figure out what color they were) "REALLY?"

"You got a problem with that?!?!"

"Ah of course not! But will we?" Shouyou directs his gaze to his bike. "Hmm well I did tell you that I would follow you till I beat you didn't I?" He suddenly stops walking. I look around us and see that this is where we start to walk in different directions to our own homes.

"I hope we see each other again." He finally looks to me, tears rolling down his face.

As If on reflex, I turn to him and I wipe the tears away gently. He moves his face into my hand and a sudden thought crosses my mind.

I could have him for a whole week.

I took the most wins during our high school career (which Shouyou was super depressed about) and I have to cash in my week of having him do what I want. "Why don't we hang out during the summer? I need to cash in my week of telling you what to do."

Shouyou giggles and takes my hand off his face. He instead holds it in front of us and doesn't let go. "Ah that's right we made that promise didn't we?" He reaches for my other and I let him take it with hesitation.

"What are you doing?" I had to admit I felt pretty awkward right then. I had no idea what to do and he's over here just taking my hands and putting them in his.

"We can't hang out during the summer because my family and I are going on to a trip to America. We've always wanted to go to Disney Land and Hollywood and stuff and since I'm leaving for college... This is our last chance to do it."

"You're not going to be gone the whole summer though, right?!?! I mean there's not a single day you are free to stay with me or something? I-"

-was panicking. I can't be alone. I stopped talking and let out a deep breath.

"After we get back from America we are going to go visit my grandparents and by the time I get back your college would have already started classes."

My heart shattered the minute he finished talking. I'm going to be all alone and I need someone to be with me.  My parents were never home, they were always "working" and being alone is not a good feeling. That's one of the reasons why I started volleyball at such a young age.

I wanted to be setter because everyone relies on them and trusts them, right? For once I wanted someone to rely on me, to trust me!

But when I went to far with it...

He came in and made my dark world so much brighter...

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