It's You (Kageyama)

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I think the first time I told him is when we went to our first training camp as second years.

It was me and him like usual always staying behind to practice and everyone always left us to it. We stopped to take a little break and we both sat on the floor panting and drinking cold water.

"Kageyama... I'm sleepy," he said leaning to me a little.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I take a long drink trying to think of all the possibilities he could say.

"Can I put my head in your lap and sleep for a little bit?"

I spit out whatever water was in my mouth at the moment all over the gym floor. That was not on my list whatsoever.

"If you are sleepy then we can go to our room and go to sleep there." I could feel my face heating up. Our room, just me and him, alone.

This place wasn't like the other previous training camps that we have had, where everyone sleeps in the same room. No, no, in this one, everyone was staying in a hotel. And to save on money, everyone had to choose a partner to share a room with.

When Hinata announced that he would be staying with me, I couldn't help but being so happy that he choose me. He didn't even consider anyone else. And of course that asshole Tsukishima, made fun of us. Oh, how I wanted to punch him. But hey, at least I didn't have to choose him myself, he choose me.

"I don't wanna go to sleep in our bed yet. I still want to practice."

"You said you were sleepy dumbass, it isn't good to practice sleepy. You could get hurt."

"It's weird when you get concerned for me." He lays his head into my lap.

"Ah! Hinata what are you doing?" I shift uncomfortably. Trying to get his head to slide off my lap.

"Fine Stingyama, let's stop practicing and go to our room." He sits up and gives me a pouty face.

I immediately stand up facing away from him. My face is super flustered right now, thinking about where his head was.

"Kag-e-yam-a" Hinata places his hand on the top of my neck and rolls his fingers down my back. "What's wrong?"

God dammit Hinata you are not helping my problem. It is bad enough we have to share a bed already.

The hotel that we are staying in was to stingy to give a room with two beds. Everyone else on the team had a room with two beds, but no, Hinata and I  just happened to get a room with one bed. I have a feeling one of the third years made that happen.

"Nothing Hinata. Lets just clean up."

It would be too weird if I just suddenly said I needed to go to the bathroom. I face away from Hinata while we cleaned up. We didn't talk at all which was weird because that boy never shuts up.

"Kageyama do you have anyone you like?"

He asks it quickly and quietly. I barely missed it.

"Ah, of course not, huh? You probably never felt an emotion like love before considering it's you."

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I finally turn around to him. I grab the top of his head and  push down on him.

"Kageyama I'm gonna go bald if you keep doing that!"

"And how is it that my problem?"

"Ow! Ow! Stop! I take it- Ow! Back!"

I release his head and step away from him. He looks up to me holding the top of his head. I look down at him angry. I don't know why I got so angry when he said I could never love someone. The person I love is right here in front of me.

"Hinata I do have someone I like, believe it or not." I scratch the back of my head and look away from him.

"Who? Who? Come on you can tell me!" He sticks his head in front of mine and jumps up and down.

"Uh well, I can't exactly do that."

"Why not?" He continues to jump, his head going in and out of my direct line of vision.

"I don't have to tell you shit."

"Ah come on. You can tell me anything we are partners." He holds out the word partners and for some reason it bugs me.

"Stop that." I reach for the top of his head but he dodges my arm. He stops jumping and gets behind me.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Crouch down for a second." I do as he says and then I wish that I didn't.

That bastard jumped on my back. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I slowly stand up trying to balance myself with this newly added weight.

"Why are you on my back?"

"You are gonna give me a piggy back ride to our room as your punishment for not telling me who you like."

"That doesn't seem fair, I don't have to tell you anything. Besides you didn't tell me if you liked anyone." I take his hands from around my neck and hold onto them tightly. I lean forward so he could be on me better and won't slide off. That sounded so wrong.

He lays his chin down onto my right shoulder.  Heat creeps up onto my face. I hold his hands tightly and start walking out of the gym but then turn around.

"Get off this is weird."

"Fine..." Hinata starts to slide down my back, releasing his legs from my waist. I hold onto his hands, not wanting to let go, changing my mind.

"Let go."

"Actually, I um... nevermind"

"Can you let go of my hands? My arms are starting to hurt."

"Just get back on dumbass."

"Really? Well let go so I can get back on better." I crouch down again and let go of his hands. I wipe my hands on my sweatpants. I hope they weren't sweaty when I was holding his hand.

Wait... I want to hold Hinata's hand? I just grabbed those tiny hands so naturally and he didn't even say anything! Could Hinata, also like me?

"Kageyama what is wrong? Hold my hands again so I don't fall."

"Hinata, is there anyone you like?" I grab a hold of his hands again and lean forward. I start walking out of the gym and he doesn't answer.

"There is." He finally says after a while of walking in silence.

I turn my head to him my lips brushing the side of his cheek. Realizing what I've done I quickly turn my head away from him, face no doubt bright red.

He laughs into my ear and I couldn't help but smile on how adorable it was. I carry him the rest of the way and we didn't talk. I enjoyed the silence because I just needed to know he was there with me.  I didn't even put him down to open the door, he stayed on my back the whole time.

I put him on our bed and closed the door to our room. I turn back to him and see that he is already asleep. I smile softly and walk to him and kiss his forehead.

"Hinata I like you. You are the person I like." I take off his shoes and place them next to mine, which are by the door. I then pick him up and put his head on his pillow and put a blanket on top of the sleeping boy. I kiss him again because I couldn't help it.  I lay down on my side of the bed and put a blanket over myself as well. I turn facing away from Hinata and really wish he wasn't asleep so he could have heard me.

"Me too..."

I instantly sit up in the bed and look at Hinata surprised. Did he hear me? Is he saying he likes me too? No it's my imagination, I'm just hearing what I want to hear, aren't I? Brain stop screwing with me.

I slam my head back down to bed and I blush at the thought of Hinata liking me back.

{KageHina} There's Something I've Been Meaning To Tell YouWhere stories live. Discover now