The Perfect Toss (Hinata)

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I think the first time I fell in love with him was when he threw his first toss to me. I was completely tired from running around trying to receive everything he gave me. I desperately wanted a toss from because his toss were just amazing.

When I ran for the ball he threw so far away, I felt like throwing up, but I wanted to show him that I could work hard. That I could work to be better, that I could be a better volleyball player. I wanted to show him so bad.

I fell on the floor but my hand still made contact with the ball and I felt even worse than before. I was a coughing mess, and I couldn't keep my head up, but then I heard "Ah he's going to give him a toss now?"

I immediately looked up and saw that Kageyama was about to toss to me. As for some miraculous event happened, I felt an insane burst of energy, and I got up and ran to the ball wanting to spike it, so bad. I forced myself to put one foot in front of the other and I jumped so high and slammed the ball down to the other side.

A ridiculous smile was on my face and even though everything was burning, I was so happy. He felt that I worked hard enough to get a toss. I was finally worth his time. I couldn't stand up straight after that, and I was too happy to do much of anything else, except throw up. I was at my limit.

He said something to me, but I couldn't quite hear it, and I felt bad for throwing up since he was so close to me when I did it. Thankfully Suga and Tanaka cleaned everything up and said they would take care of everything. I was sent to the nurse's office after that.

Kageyama took me, keeping his distance, not wanting to touch me. I fell over anyway and the next thing I knew I was laying in a bed with now idea how I got there. Kageyama was sitting next me with his hands folded under his chin. He was slightly hunched over and looking past me, into the window outside.

"Kageyama?" My voice was really dried out.

"Hm?" Kageyama turns to me slowly, keeping the same posture.

"What happened?"

"I had to carry you, you dumbass. You are heavy you know that? Why is that? You are just 162."

"I 163 CENTIMETERS!" I yell and then in a quieter voice, "..if you round up..."

I hear a small laugh from Kageyama and I hit lightly. He glares at me and I shrink away from him.

"You said you carried me? How?"

"Does it matter?" He turns away from me not wanting to look at me directly.

"Kind of."

"Uh... When you fell over I just picked you up naturally, but when I passed by these two guys, one was freakishly tall and the other one was about my height. The taller one had a look like he was pissed off or something-"

"Reminds me of someone." I say smiling up to him. Kageyama grabs the top of my head and squeezes very hard. "STOP. I'LL GO BALD." He releases me after some time and continues his story.

"Well anyway, the taller kid said 'Oh look the king is carrying someone. Do you think it's his queen? ' I heard a giggle and 'Well he is carrying him like a princess.' And then  I... uh... dropped you, and was about to run after the kid but he disappeared."

"You dropped me?"

"Yeah." He looks me in the eyes finally waiting for my reaction. I looked away from him trying to cover up my face from the obvious blush that was beginning to form. He carried me like a princess. I wish I was awake for that and then I could have pretended to be- wait...


I look back to Kageyama who had his eyes narrowed staring straight at me. He was studying me, I finally realized.

"What you wanna go?" I held my hands up ready to fight him. He just laughs at me and gets up from were he was sitting. He stands over the bed and leans into me, causing me to lean back. He was so close to me. His face was so close, that if I just moved a little bit forward, I could kiss him.

I shrinked further back not wanting that to happen, but apart of me actually did want that to happen. I wanted to get closer to him and close my eyes and see what would-


"Get better soon." He whispered it, I could barely hear it, but before I could respond, he walked away from me and left the room without another sound.

I watched him leave the room, his figure getting smaller and smaller, until it disappeared.

That was the first time, that I realized that I was in fact love him.

{KageHina} There's Something I've Been Meaning To Tell YouWhere stories live. Discover now