Chapter 113.

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The moment Hardin's lips touch mine, my body ignites. I moan into his mouth and I am rewarded with an equally feverish moan from Hardin. My fingers thread through his hair and tug harder, not able to control myself or my need for him. I know he is holding back and it's driving me crazy, both in a good way and bad. My hands move from his hair down to the hem of his black t-shirt, gripping the fabric and pulling it up and over his head.  The second the kiss breaks, Hardin leans back slightly.

"Tessa.." He pleas.

"Hardin.." I counter and run my fingertips over his inked skin. I have missed the way his hard muscles strain against his skin, the way the intricate black ink swirls and decorates his perfect body.

"I can't take advantage of you." He moans as I swipe my tongue over his bottom lip.

"You aren't. Just stop talking." I half laugh and he groans as my hand reaches down to palm him through his jeans.

I know that he can't resist me and that pleases me more than it should. I never thought I would be in a situation with Hardin where I have all the control, it's amusing really the way we have switched roles. He is so hard and so turned on, I climb off of him and reach for his zipper.

Hardin's POV.

Her small hands reach down to unbutton and unzip my jeans. My mind is racing and I know how wrong this is but I can't help it. I want her, need her. Long for her. I have to have her and she gave me to option to leave or fuck her and there is no way I am leaving her if I have another option, any other option. The words that came out of her mouth sounded so unnatural falling from her full lips, so strange but so hot.

When my pants reach my ankles I shake my head. I am not thinking clearly, I am not thinking rationally. I am wasted, completely gone for this usually sweet, now wild woman that I love more than I can stand.

"Wait.." I say again. I don't want her to stop but I have to at least put up a little fight so I can ease my guilt.

"No.. no waiting. I have waited enough." Her voice is soft and teasing as she pulls my boxers down and grips me in her hand.

"Fuck Tessa.. " I can't stop her. I am not sure if I could even if I wanted to. She needs this, needs me, and drunk or not I am selfish enough to take it if this is the only way I can have her want me.

She drops to her knees in front of me and takes me into her mouth. "I.." I can't even form a sentence.

When I look down at her she looks up at me, batting her lashes. Fuck she looks like an angel and the devil at once, so sweet and so god damn dirty as she works her tongue around me, swirling and flicking.

"Does that feel good?" She smirks and I almost come from her words.

I nod, unable to speak, as she hollows her cheeks and sucks harder. Taking more of me into her sweet mouth.

I don't know when she will stop, and as much as I don't want her to stop, I want to touch her. To feel her.

"Stop." I beg and gently push her back by her shoulder.

She shakes her head and tortures me by moving her head up and down at a dangerous speed.

"Tessa.. please." I moan and she laughs, sending a deep vibration through me and luckily she stops. If she wouldn't have, I would have came down her throat.

"You just taste so good." She smiles and wipes her now swollen lips with the back of her hand.

"Fuck, where did this dirty mouth of yours come from?" I ask her as she gets up off of her knees.

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