Chapter 132.

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"Last time? See Theresa! This is exactly why you need to get away from him. He has done this before, I knew it! Prince Charming strikes again." My mother howls.

I look over at Hardin, my fingers slipping from the edge. Not again. I don't think I can take anymore. Not from him.

"It's not like that mum." Hardin finally says.

"It sure sounds like it Hardin. I honestly can't believe you, I love you son but I can't help you here. This is wrong, so wrong." Anne says and wipes under her eyes.

I never am able to find my voice in these situations. I want to speak, I need to but an endless list of terrible things that Anne could be referring to as "last time" are running rapid in my head, stealing my voice.

"I said it's not like that!' Hardin shouts at his mother.

"I think she should go with her mother." Anne says and a lump rises in my throat.

"What?" Hardin says to her. His voice thick with surprise.

"She should go. You are no good for her Hardin. I thought you were, that you had changed but its obvious that you haven't. I love you more than life itself but I cant allow you to do this again. Coming to America was supposed to help you but you did the same thing."

"Theresa. I think you have heard enough. It's time to go." My mother says and grabs ahold of my arm.

Hardin moves towards her and she steps back, still holding onto me.

"Let go of her, now." He says through his teeth.

Her plum nails dig into my skin as I try to process the events of the last two minutes. I had not expected my mother to show up here, barge into the bedroom and I certainly did not expect Anne to drop yet another one of Hardin's secrets. Has he done this before? To who? Did he love her? Did she love him? He said he had never been with a virgin before, he said he has never loved anyone before. Was he lying?

The angry mask he wears makes it hard for me to decipher.

"You don't get to have a say in anything that concerns her any longer." She strikes back.

I pull my arm from her grip and step behind Hardin. Anne and my mother wear the same horrified expression as I wrap my fingers around his forearm.

"Theresa don't be stupid. Get over here." My mother instructs.

I stay hidden behind Hardin, I don't really understand why but I am. I should be leaving with my mother, or forcing him to tell me what the hell Anne is talking about but I really just want my mother to go away. I need a few seconds, minutes, maybe even hours to comprehend what Hardin could have done. I just forgave him, I just decided to forget everything and move on with him. Why must there always be some secret locked away that comes to head at the worst possible time?

"Theresa." My mother takes another step towards me and Hardin brings his arm behind him to wrap around me, protecting me from her.

"Get away from her." Hardin warns.

"Hardin, that is her daughter. You have no right coming between them." Anne says.

"I have no right? She has no right coming in our apartment, in our fucking bedroom uninvited!" He shouts. My grip on his arm tightens.

"That is not her bedroom nor is this her apartment." My mother says.

"Yes, it is. See who she is standing behind? She is using me as a shield to block her from you." Hardin points out.

"She is foolish and doesn't understand what is best for her." My mother says.

"Stop speaking as if I am not here! I am right here and I am an adult, I am nineteen years old mother. If I want to stay I will." I announce.

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