Chapter 138.

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"Hardin." Anne snaps.

"What? I am just asking a question." He says.

I can tell that Ken is debating whether or not to take Hardin's bait. I hope to god he chooses not to.

"Stop it." I whisper to Hardin.

"Don't be rude." Anne tells him.

"It's fine." Ken says and takes a drink of his water.

Karen's face has paled and Landon is staring at the large television on the wall..

"I know it's fine." Hardin smiles.

"You are just angry so go ahead and say what you please." Ken says.

He shouldn't have said that.

"Angry? I am not angry. Annoyed and amused yes, but angry, no." Hardin says calmly.

"Amused by what?" Ken asks. Oh Ken just stop talking.

"Amused by the fact that you are acting as if nothing ever happened, as if you weren't a massive fuck up. You two are being ridiculous." He explains.

"You are crossing the line here." Ken says. Jesus Ken.

"Am I? Since when do you get to decide where the line is?" Hardin challenges him.

"This is my home Hardin, that's why I get to decide." Ken responds.

Hardin is on his feet immediately, I grab his arm to stop him but he shakes me off easily. I sit my glass of wine on the table next to me and stand up.

"Hardin stop." I beg and grab ahold of his arm again.

Everything was going well, awkward but well and Hardin had to go and make a rude remark. I know he is angry at his father for his mistakes but Christmas dinner is not the time to bring this up. Hardin and Ken had began to repair their relationship and if Hardin doesn't stop now it will get much worse.

"I thought we were moving past this, you came to the wedding?" Ken questions and stands up.

They are only feet away from one another and I know this will not end well.

"Moving past what? You haven't even owned up to anything! You are just pretending that it didn't happen!" Hardin is yelling now.

My head is swimming and I wish I would have never suggested for them to come. Once again I have caused yet another family argument.

"Today is not the day for us to be discussing this. We are having a nice time and you had to go and start a fight with me." Ken speaks.

"When is the day then?" Hardin asks and raises his hands in the air.

"Not Christmas, I haven't seen your mother in years and this is the time you choose to pick a fight with me?" Ken says to his son.

"You haven't seen her in years because you fucking left! You left us with nothing, no fucking money, no car, nothing!" Hardin shouts and steps into his father's face.

"No money? I sent money every month! A lot of money! And your mum wouldn't accept the car that I offered her!" Ken yells back, his face red with anger.

"Liar! You didn't send shit that's why we lived in that shit house and she worked fifty hours a week!"

"Hardin.. he isn't lying." Anne interjects.

"What?" Hardin turns to Anne.

This is a disaster. A much bigger disaster than I saw coming.

"He sent money Hardin." Anne explains.

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