Chapter 02

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I went down my truck and locked it, i walked in school, i saw two of my best friends jon and dave. they walked their way to me, "you're on time, bro. do you have a fever?" jon asked and dave cackled a laugh i glared at the two assholes.

"Fuck you." i said and they all laughed.

I was never this early in school, but my basketball coach told me we had practice at 9:00am. Now,we went in the office to get our schedules and after that we went straight to the locker room because all of us had training because we're in the Basketball team.

"Thank God,varsity members don't have to do Physical Education!" Jon exclaimed while he was wearing his newly bought shoes.

"Yeah, and even if we did have Physical Ed we'd nail that subject!" Dave said. I was just chuckling and shaking my head while wearing my shoes.

"What's up with you today?" Dave asked. "You seemed...a bit off."

"Woke up the wrong side of the bed." I replied.

"Guess someone hasn't been getting any." Jon said in a sing song voice and dave cracked a laugh.

"For your information i had gotten many." I said smirking and rolling my eyes. "I'm just not feeling myself this morning." I said.

"Bro, jokes aside." Jon said standing up. "We're here for you. We ain't called your best friends for nothing!"

"Yeah." Dave joined in smiling. "So, what really happened?"

"Well, there's this girl-"

"I knew it!" Dave screamed and jon slapped him on the back of his head. "Ow! sorry, carry on."

"It was stupid of me to get my phone that fell on my foot while i was driving. I almost ran this girl over." I said.

"Mistakes happen dude, just park next time and get your phone when the car isn't moving." Dave said.

"So, about the girl?" Jon said.

"She wasn't hurt or anything, i tried to make it up to her by giving her a ride. But she turned me down." I said.

"Did she look at you?" Dave said.

"Yeah, eye to eye." I said.

"At least she's not a hoe." Jon said having this smirk plastered on his face.

"I just can't get her out of my head." I said.

"Is she hot?"

"Beautiful." I said while remembering her make up free face.

The two of them looked at each other just smirking, "does she go to school here?" Dave asked.

"I don't know. I drove past her and went directly here." I said kind of sadly to be honest. I think she lives in this town so it's not such a bad thing, because i might run to her anytime soon.

"Well, that sucks." Dave said. "C'mon captain!" He said slapping my shoulder.

We then went out and into the gym all of my teammates greeted us, "let's go and train guys! If we want to win the championship this year we need to work extra hard!" Coach said and we all nodded in response. We brought our hands together and as we lift it in the air we shouted "Go tigers!"

We then stretched, did cardio, and did our training. After all that we shot some hoops and played 2 games, of course my team won.

When we all hit the shower stalls, my stall is in between jon and dave's stall. I was rinsing my hair from shampoo when,

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