Chapter 15

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While sitting on the sofa and talking about our entire lives, "So, it's just you,ellie and your mom?" She asks.

"My father is dead to me." I said.The room fell silent.

I couldn't tell her my secrets-not now. Maybe when the time comes i'll tell but right now? It's meant to be hidden from her.

I don't want to lose her right now.

"How about you?" I asked her.

"Yes it's just me,my mom and sophia." She says.

"Where's your dad?" I asked.

"He's gone." She says.

"Gone?" I asked.

"Gone as in dead."

Nice going,alec-You insensitive dick for asking her.

"I'm sorry." I said guilty.

"It's okay, you didn't know." She said, "stop."

Huh? "Stop what?" I ask.

"Stop pitying me." She said.

"But i'm not." I said, "you're a strong girl."

"And you're wasting your time." She said.

I don't understand i think i have this confused look on my face because then she said, "You're wasting your time being mad at your father-"

"Stop it, i don't want to talk about him can we please talk about something else? Today has been really amazing and i don't want to talk about that prick. " i said trying not to sound rude or disrespectful.

She had this worried look on her face but then she regained her neutral expression, "alright." She says.

"How about i ask the questions?" I asked her.

"Sure, go ahead." She said while lying down on the sofa her feet was on my lap.

"Well, what's your favorite color?" I ask.

She sat up"Really?that's what you really wanna know?" She said her face looked like she was tryimg not to laugh.

"I'm genuinely curious!" I said.

She smirked and shook her head and lied down again, "i can't really pick from orange,yellow and olive green. I like all of them i just don't know which i like the most."

"Okay, noted." I said. "How about, what would you like your future boyfriend to be like?" And the words flew out of my mouth before stopping them.

"Well... that's for me to know and you to find out." She said smiling.

I chuckled "Tell me something i don't know." I said to her to change the subject.

"I'm not American." She said.

"What?!" I exclaimed, she looks american to me.

She chuckled and stood up, "you want dessert?"

"What do you have for me?" I asked and stood up.

We went to the kitchen and she opened the refrigerator and brought out a pitcher of milk of some sort? I don't know "What's that?"

"It's milkshake." She said as she puts it on the table and gets two tall glasses and two straws.

I poured the milkshake into the glasses until it was full, she opened the fridge again to get a whipped cream can.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

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