Chapter 06

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I woke up and saw that the sun wasn't still up i tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't. So, i brushed my teeth and washed my face. I decided to go for a run at 5 o'clock in the morning since i couldn't go back to sleep. I wore a dri-fit muscle tee and cotton work out shorts and some shoes. I plugged in my earphones and played some music then went out for a run.

While i was running i noticed that every house that I passed by gives me a sense of familiarity, and then i realized that because i've been there for meaningless one night stands.

Each passing house.. all the girls i've led on and had meaningless sex with.. makes me feel disgusted about myself. It was then that I realized that i've been with so many.

By now i wasn't running nor jogging. I was just walking and thinking how much of a tool that i've been.

I was now in the city, i ran again for God knows how long. As i passed by the bookstore i saw a 24/7 mini mart so i went in.

I saw a bottle of water and paid for it. I was drinking it when-

"Excuse me miss, do you have full cream of milk? All of these are skim and non-fat," i heard a familiar voice said.

"Ohh, all of our customers don't buy full cream milk but maybe there's one carton left there.." Said the cashier.

I looked over to see Lauren in an oversized tommy hilfiger sweatshirt and some black leggings and some gray nike roshe shoes.

"Thank you." She said and continued to walk around the dairy aisle.

"Fancy seeing you here." I said.

"Ohh, it's just you." She said.

"Good morning." I greeted smiling at her.

She was just silent. What is it with this girl? Not even a nod?

"So, why are you up so early in the morning?" I asked.

"Was going to eat breakfast but realized that there's no milk." She said.

That's the first longest sentence that she has ever said to me! Bravo alec!

"Why full cream?" I asked.

"I just like full rather than skim and non fat. You haven't tried full cream?" She asks.

"I haven't. I answered honestly.

"Well, you'll be surprised when you taste the difference." She says.

I was browsing through the beverages when i saw the last 1 carton of full cream milk that's from an australian brand called 'devondale'. I checked the expiry and it says it will be expired next year which is a good sign.

"Is this what you're looking for?" I said to her. Lauren was getting a carton of chocolate milk and she looked at me and then looked at what i'm holding. Her eyes widened a bit, "yes it is." She said as she was walking towards me.

I gave it to her and she bolted to the cashier and payed for it.I chuckled, the first girl who's so excited about milk. I jogged outside the mini mart and was thinking of going home.


I looked over to see a familiar girl, she was blonde and was friends with Vanessa.

"Hey." I said dragging because i don't remember her name.

"I texted you yesterday but you didn't come by."

Ohh she was Kaye.

"I was busy." I said.

"How about now?" She said trying to be seductive.

"I'm pretty sure that i'm still busy." I said.

"Ohh shut up." She said and smashed her lips to mine.

I kissed back for a few seconds when i heard the mini mart door close, i saw lauren.

"It's not what it looks like." I said defensively.

"Huh?" Lauren said oblivious.

"Who is she?" Kaye asked, "come on,baby. Let's get s room." She said in her high pitch needy voice.

"Man, i gotta go. It sure looks like what you said." Lauren said while she put in her earphones and fixed her bag and ran. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and was swaying while she ran gracefully.

Man, she was fast.

"Is she your new one night stand?" Kaye asked.

"She's not! Stop acting like you're my girlfriend because we had sex one time." I said.

"You'll regret this,Alec! I'll show you what you missed out on!"

I glared at her, this girl is seriously asking for it. She looked scared, "you knew what your place is when you begged me that night. You knew what you're getting yourself into." I said with clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry." She said.

I took that as a cue to shake my head and ran back home. When  i got back, i saw mom cooked pancakes scrambled eggs and bacon. I was eating and when i finished.

"How's your run?" Mom asked.

"It was fine." I said. I looked at the clock and it said 6:40am. I ran up to my room's bathroom and took a five minute bath.

I wore my work out jersey and went to school in my hummer. When i got to the gym i was just in time for training.

"Did you start yet?" I asked jon.

"Your an hour late AGAIN, dude you know what that means." Jon said.

"No! Maybe i can talk to coach." I said trying to thunk of ways.

"Bro, he already went to the office and got you a physical ed. Subject." Dave said.

Damn it,kaye.

After coach giving me a hard time during training and giving me a physical ed class. We all took a shower, and got dressed for school.

As the bell rang, i went to my first class which was AP Biology. There was no seats left in the back so i opted for a seat in the middle. I look to me left and saw Lauren just waking up from a nap, she was wearing a semi fit raglan shirt, some denim skinny jeans and some vans. Her hair was in a bun, so anyone could appreciate her face more.

"If i knew you'd be in my first subject i wouldn't have skipped yesterday." I said flirting her.

"It's too early for this." She said.

"Too early for what?"

"Whatever you're doing." She said. "I don't want to get in trouble with you and your girlfriend so please don't drag me into your mess." She said.

"I don't have a girlfriend." I said.

"Well, why don't you tell that to the girl who's been glaring at me for fifteen minutes." She said looking out the window.

I saw vanessa,kaye and maria glaring at her, "None of them are my girlfriend."

"Want a piece of advice from a girl who doesn't know everything?" Lauren asks.


"If you don't want to stop the screw and leave then you judt need to set things straight with them."

"Well, i already did that"

"Really? 'Cause you don't sound too sure." She says.

"I might have whispered sweet nothings but in my defense i didn't mean to." I said while doing a face palm.

"You have AP classes ?" She asks.

"Yeah?" I don't know where this is going.

"You have a brain afterall!" She exclaimed. "Maybe start usimg your brain instead of your dick." She said boldly.


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