Chapter 09

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I ate my steak it was so juicy and so delicious, "this is the best steak i've ever had." I said.

"You don't mean that." Lauren said.

"I do mean that." I said.

"Oh my god!" Dave shouted.

We all looked at Dave, " this is the best food that i have ever tasted!" He shouted.

And the team cheered in agreement and we all laughed. "See? It's not only me." I said.

When i finished my steak and mashednpotstoes with gravy, i tried the friend chicken. "Damn,woman! You can cook!"

"Thank you." She said eating her pasta.

While i devoured all the food on my plate, "oh my god i love your cooking." I said.

She chuckled, "you want dessert?" She asked.

"Yes,please. One of everything."

She raised a brow and got new plates. She put a slice of chocolate cake, a slice of chocolste mousse,a slice of black forest cake, a cookie and a brownie in one plate. While the other plate she put a red velvet cupcake,a chocolate cupcake, a vanilla cupcake, 3 breadsticks,3 marshmallows,3 strawberries,5 blue berries, and 3 slices of mango plus a cup of chocolate from the chocolate fountain.

"You'll eat all of that?" She asks.

"Lauren, i'm a man. How do you think i eat?" I asked her.

"A salad and no dressing,please." She says in a typical white girl accent. I laughed.

I took a bite from the cookie, and it was so delicious! I was eating the whole plate full of dessert and i definitely have no regrets.

"Do you want something to drink?" She asks.

I nod i couldn't speak because my mouth was full, "wait here." She says as she stands up to get a pitcher of iced tea amd a pitcher or water to our table. She put an iced tea in one glass and in the other is the water.

I drank the iced tea, "thank you for getting me something to drink. "

"No problem." She says.

"Speaking of problem..." i said. "What happened in school? I thought that we were fine but then you gave me the cold treatment afterwards.

"It's- it was just easy to ignore you." She says. "Because it was because of you that i'm being bullied by the mean girls." She says.

"Don't mind them." I said to her, " 'cause as long as i'm there they can't touch you.  That's a promise."

"Wouldn't it be easy to just avoid the trouble?" She says. " i'm all in for being friends but just not show it in school."

"If that's what you want." I said.

"Thank you." She replied. "I'm so full that i need to stand up." She stood up and i chuckled, i stood up also and went to my teammates conjoined tables. I introduced all of them to Lauren.

"You guys eat well?" Lauren asked.

"This is the best night for everyone,sofie." Jon said.

"Thanks,jon." She said smiling.

"You saved me from a night that i might have probably regret." Jon said.

We all laughed, after the dinner Lauren gave the team cupcakes,cookies and brownies to take home. While mom got to take home a full moist chocolate cake because Lauren said she prepared an extra, and bailey got to take home the remaining black forest cake and the chocolste fondue and sophia.

"I think i know why they wanted the chocolate fondue." Lauren said and shivered with disgust, i laughed.

"It doesn't take a genius to know that." I said laughing.

"Alec, stay here and help sofie. I gotta bring ellie home she's already sleeping."  Mom said.

"No,mrs.rider it's fine. I can do it." Lauren says.

"Nonsense,sofie. It's fine with alec. He doesn't mind."

"Yeah,i don't." I said.

"Good night sofie thank you and please call me Lana." Mom said kissing lauren's cheek.

"Good night, lana." She says waving.

Mom went home, and only lauren and i were left. I was cleaning the plates while Lauren was getting all of the table cloth and was sweeping the ground and picking up all the left over food that fell on the ground.

"You worked so hard this day." I said while i finished up all the dishes and containers.

I helped her by folding the tables "where do i put these?" I asked her.

"Just here will do, mom borrowed these from one of her old clients. They'll pick it up tomorrow." She said.

I put all the foldable tables iin one corner along with the chairs.

Once she was finished with picking up all the food. We threw all of the trash outside,

"Thank you,alec." She said.

"No problem, lauren." I said smiling at her, "thank you for the food."

"No problem." She says.

"Good night." I said to her.

"Good night." She said back.

I turned around and walked to my house, " Alec!" She called out. I turned around, "yes?" I asked.

"Thank you. It meant a lot to me how much i try to deny it. Thank you so much." She said.

I grinned, that was the sincerest and nicest thing that i have ever heard her say to me. "I'm just glad that you moved here." I said.

She smiled, "i'm glad too."

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