Beginning of the Prophecy

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At the Turbo Undercover Fighting Force, Kitty Katswell came and took a cup of coffee and rolled her eyes as she noticed Dudley staring at pictures of meat on his computer for the millionth time. She noticed that the Chief had already sent out all the agents on missions except for her and Dudley. The Chief then sent Dudley on a mission and Dudley left.

"Hey, Chief, what gives? Me and Dudley always go on missions." Kitty protested.

"Well, you see. you need to do this mission alone because it involves cats, more cats then Dudley could handle. We need you to head to the forest several miles west from Petropolis to investigate on the cats that live there" Chief explained.

"Well, okay." Kitty said and left to see the T.U.F.F. Mobile still available for use. Kitty hopped in and started it.

Feels different without Dudley next to me, oh well.

Dudley headed on a mission with Agents Skunk and Groundhog on a different T.U.F.F. Mobile to stop another one of D.O.O.M.'s evil plots.

He sighed.

I've always been on missions with Kitty! She may not know it, but I am in love with her, but I don't know if she feels the same!

Dudley then hit the brakes. It was Snaptrap and his gang of evildoers.

Kitty drove out of Petropolis and towards the forest that the Chief was referring to. She stopped the vehicle and stepped out and walked through the forest. So quiet! Kitty thought before a tortoiseshell leaped from the trees and slammed into Kitty.

"Ow!" Kitty yelped. The tortoiseshell looked away and dashed the other direction. Kitty got up and saw the tortoiseshell panting.

"Thanks a lot! That rabbit would've fed half the clan! And now Graystripe is going to be mad at me because I left the clan before anybody woke up!"

Kitty blinked.

"Oh, you're a cat, right? You stand like a twoleg! And you have a extra pelt on-"It's called clothing, and what's a twoleg?" Kitty asked.

"Naked, stands on two paws, wears stuff everywhere on them..." the tortoiseshell explained.

"And you said there was a clan?" Kitty asked curiously.

"There are four clans in the forest, I'm in ThunderClan." the tortoiseshell meowed."Are you a kittypet? No you can't you're a loner?"

"What's your name?" Kitty said, dodging the question.

"Sorrelpaw" the tortoiseshell said. "You?"

"Kitty, Kitty Katswell." Kitty replied.

"Want to see the camp? We don't usually let loners tour our clan, but you seem pretty friendly." Sorrelpaw purred. "Although you should lose the stuff on you."

"You mean, all of this?" Kitty said, pointing to her shirt, pants, shoes, gloves, and headband.

"Yep, all of it."

Kitty sighed.

Doing this for T.U.F.F., I'm doing this for T.U.F.F.

Kitty slipped off all of her clothes and steadily got on all four paws. "Good." Sorrelpaw meowed as she led Kitty towards ThunderClan camp.

Back at ThunderClan camp

"Dustpelt, take Brambleclaw and Mousefur on a hunting patrol." Graystripe ordered.

Dustpelt left Firestar's den and Cinderpelt came in. Graystripe had been sleeping in Firestar's den ever since Firestar and Sandstorm left on a journey.

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