The Destruction of the Clans

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Kitty was shocked. "But it's too early!"

"I know, she still had two moons" Rainpaw murmured. "StarClan help her, please."

"But, where's Ashfur?!" Kitty snapped, the father of Mousefur's unborn kits was not there.

"I do not know! That's the problem!" Rainpaw snapped. "Go find him!"

Kitty saw that the whole Clan was in a lot of distress, she ran out of the camp and sniffed the air.

Lots of scents...squirrel, faint scent of fox, but where is Ashfur?!

Kitty continued sniffing the air and caught Ashfur's scent.

There he is, now I just have to follow!

The orange she-cat with black hair ran to Sunningrocks, where she could smell Ashfur.

What is he doing near the RiverClan border?! Especially when his mate is having kits!

Kitty than froze, her fur stood on end out of shock of what she saw.

Ashfur had his tail entwined with Mallowtail's, their heads were together, and they were purring.

"I love you, Mallowtail." Ashfur purred.

"I love you, too." Mallowtail purred back, "I'm sorry that the kits will never know their father."

Kitty's jaw dropped as her eyes looked down to see Mallowtail's swollen stomach.

This is terrible! Why didn't I see this?!

"FOOLS!" Kitty leaped onto Ashfur and pinned him on his stomach. "YOU, ASHFUR! HOW COULD YOU?!"

"How could I what?!" Ashfur protested. "LOVE?!"

Kitty was cut off as Ashfur send Kitty a blow that sent her stumbling down Sunningrocks. She felt rock scrape her forepaw's pad and winced.


"YOU'RE DEAD!" Kitty shot herself like a bullet into is chest, but gasped when she felt teeth cuff her scruff.


Kitty spun around and send a claw across her muzzle, spraying blood across the rocks.

Mallowtail looked furious, and charged. Kitty charged beneath her and hit her legs, making Mallowtail's legs buckle and she fell as Kitty leaped over her and sunk her claws into Mallowtail's shoulders.

"NO!" Ashfur ran towards them in horror. "PLEASE, SHE'S EXPECTING MY KITS!"

"Should've thought of that." Kitty snarled, and with that she snapped Mallowtail's neck. Mallowtail's head fell at an odd angle and the life in her eyes faded.


Ashfur lunged at Kitty and tore her throat open and she died on the rocks.

Ashfur felt claws scrape his back and died when two paws snapped his neck.

It was Hawkpaw.

"That's for killing Softpaw." Hawkpaw snarled. "I hate you."

Graystripe appeared and killed Hawkpaw.

"That's for loving her." Graystripe growled.


After that, the Clans grieved for the fallen four. Graystripe was now Graystar after Firestar and Sandstorm were killed by ShadowClan and WindClan warriors.

Mousefur had given birth to Softkit and Hawkkit, they were named after two of the fallen warriors.

Dudley had joined them after explaining he was Kitty's best friend, and found her kits hiding in Sunningrocks.

That's right, kits. What Kitty had not told Graystar was that she was expecting Dudley's kits and had them briefly before Rainpaw's trip to WindClan. Their names were Ravenkit, Howlkit, and Flowerkit.

After three moons of fighting and death, the prophecy of the destruction of Clans had come true, and they all became one Clan: HopeClan.

Then even more cats fought over who should be leader and deputy, Graystar and Leopardstar were killed in one of the battles, Blackstar had become severely injured, while Mudstar had lost the battle to Dudley.

Dudley became the leader of HopeClan and made Russetfur deputy. Russetfur had made her kits, Blazekit and Ferretkit, apprentices. Also, several kittypets and citizens from Petropolis joined HopeClan. Littlecloud and Barkface became joint medicine cats while Mudfur retired and Rainpaw left HopeClan to escape all the drama.

Softkit and Hawkkit were apprenticed to Mistyfoot and Mudclaw, and became Softheart and Hawkfur. Ravenkit, Howlkit, and Flowerkit were apprenticed to Spiderleg, Stormfur, and Cloudtail and became Ravenwing, Howltooth, and Flowertail. Blazekit and Ferretkit were apprenticed to Mosspelt and Boulder and became Blazeheart and Ferretfang.

And so the era of the Clans and ended. And the era of HopeClan begun.

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