To the Moonstone and Back

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Kitty slept beside Sorrelpaw and Shrewpaw. Spiderpaw and Sootpaw were on dawn patrol with their mentors while Rainpaw was learning about herbs over at WindClan territory with Barkface. Kitty heard Brackenfur call her.

"Yes, Brackenfur?" Kitty replied, running out of the apprentice den to listen to her mentor.

"Today, we head to the Moonstone." he meowed. "Since Rainpaw isn't here to give you traveling herbs, eat and rest till sunhigh. Then, we'll head out."

"Yes, Brackenfur." Kitty saw the dawn patrol return and she pulled a thrush from the pile, Dustpelt took it from her.

"Hey!" Kitty snapped."That's mine!"

"The queens and elders eat first." Dustpelt pointed out. "Or have you forgotten?"

"Dustpelt!" Graystripe appeared and knocked the thrush out of Dustpelt's jaws. "Don't take away prey from Softpaw, apologize!"

"What?! No!" Dustpelt growled. "The elders need this! Have you no care for those who hold more wisdom and loyalty than this selfish snake-heart?!"

"That DOES IT!" Graystripe roared, he ran to the Highrock and yowled over all of ThunderClan. The elders crawled out of their burrow and Cloudtail leaded his daughter over.

"What is it, deputy?" Cloudtail meowed with curiosity.


"NO!" Ferncloud wailed. "I'm expecting his kits!"

The whole of ThunderClan gasped, and Spiderpaw and Shrewpaw ran to their father's side to defend him.

"It's not my fault if you're such a stupid kit-machine." Graystripe snarled at Ferncloud. "Ashfur, you are now Sorrelpaw's mentor till Firestar and Sandstorm return. Thornclaw and Brambleclaw, lead Dustpelt to Carrionplace so we can make sure none of the clans take him in."

Thornclaw and Brambleclaw got on either side of him while Goldenflower and Frostfur leaded Ferncloud to the Nursery.

"Time to go." Brackenfur meowed.

Kitty was about to protest, but she kept her jaws shut, she had already done enough.

They crossed WindClan territory and Brackenfur stopped in front of the Thunderpath.

"Careful, monsters may pass." Brackenfur warned her. Kitty nodded, and with a surge of energy leaped across safely, her mentor followed.

They went into Highstones and jumped over boulders before entering the cave opening to the Moonstone.

"You will see StarClan." Brackenfur explained to his apprentice as they were walking through the tunnel, Kitty stopped.

It was beautiful when the moon was shining on it, it shone like a star.

"Touch your nose to it." Brackenfur meowed, Kitty did so. She felt herself falling asleep.

Then, she woke up in Fourtrees. She saw dozens of cats before her.

"Hello?" Kitty meowed nervously.

"Hello, Softpaw." a tortoiseshell meowed. "Or should I say...Kitty?"

Kitty flinched. "Don't call me that."

"Graystripe isn't here to defend you, you know." a huge brown tom snarled. "Right, Cinderpelt?"

"That's right, Raggedstar." Cinderpelt sneered, she looked at Kitty. She was no longer blind, instead her pelt shone with stars.

"I'm Spottedleaf." the tortoiseshell meowed. "You are the one who's going to destroy the Clans."

"No, I'm not!" Kitty hissed. "I'm just trying the be a warrior."

"One that's apparently friends with a dog." a dark gray she-cat hissed. "Bluestar?"

"Yes, Yellowfang." the blue she-cat meowed. "She's going to destroy the Clans."

"Better leave now." a huge orange tom named Thunder growled. "Before karma get's to you."

"It won't." Kitty hissed. "You can't touch me."

"I can't" Thunder meowed. "But he will"

"Who's he?!" Kitty growled. "I demand to know!"

Kitty saw a vision of a huge tom's shadow leap on her's, breaking her neck.

"Who was that?!" Kitty snarled again, but she found herself next to the Moonstone.

"Who's what?" Brackenfur asked.

"Nobody." Kitty replied. "I wasn't talking about anybody."

"If it's an omen, you need to see Barkface or Littlecloud about that." Brackenfur explained. "Not Mudfur though. After that battle, they won't be willing to help us."

Kitty nodded and they left Highstones, they crossed Thunderpath, and saw Barkface talking to Rainpaw on ThunderClan territory.

"OK, yes Barkface." Rainpaw's eyes were dark and he turned to face Brackenfur and Kitty. "Hey guys."

"Why do you look so...troubled?" Kitty asked. Her eyes than adverted to Hawkpaw, whom was pacing on their territory.

"I'll meet you guys back at ThunderClan, I'm going hunting." Kitty said as they left, she ran up to Hawkpaw.

"What are you doing on ThunderClan territory?!" Kitty demanded.

"Wanted to see you." Hawkpaw meowed. "I wanted to see how you were doing after the battle, you fought brilliantly."

"I don't take flattery." Kitty growled, clearly not amused.

"I'm not trying to flatter you." Hawkpaw muttered. "I was hoping to meet you at Fourtrees tonight."

Kitty's heart stopped. "Wh-What?!"

"I want to know you." Hawkpaw meowed. "Please."

"Why...what..whatever." Kitty ducked her head away, her fur heating up.

"Thank you." Hawkpaw mewed softly, "See you tonight."

He could be that big tom that'll kill you!

Kitty took off, caught a shrew, and headed back to ThunderClan territory.

Isn't it against the warrior code to love someone from another Clan? I LOVE him?! That can't be so! Goodness, Kitty! You've broken two rules in one day!

Kitty halted against a tree when she heard screaming coming from the clearing. Her fur tensed up with alarm.

Who was that?

Kitty past the tree and entered the clearing, Spiderpaw and his mentor brought back prey, the elders looked stressed. And Longtail was speaking to Graystripe in a alarmed tone.

The screeching continued, and Rainpaw came out from the Nursery. Kitty looked at the gray tom with confusion.

"What's going on?" Kitty asked, worried. She knew something was terribly wrong. Rainpaw flinched when the screech came again.

"Kitty." Rainpaw meowed. "Mousefur's having her kits."

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