Around the Borders

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Kitty slept soundly until she felt a force nudge her. Her eyes fluttered open, it was her mentor, Brackenfur.

"Ah yes, the tour." Kitty meowed groggily. She got up on all fours and followed him.

They left ThunderClan camp and Kitty noticed a tree with a little Tawny Owl inside.

"That's the Owl Tree." Brackenfur meowed. "One legend says that one of our first leaders, Owlstar, learned night-hunting from such an owl."

"Wow." Kitty said in awe.

They walked past the Owl Tree and Kitty was surprised by the four trees that were in front of her. They were huge!

"That's Fourtrees, where all the clans meet in peace at the full moon." Brackenfur explained. Then they padded towards four big oak trees.

"Wow!" Kitty said in surprise, "there's a rock in the middle and everything!"

Brackenfur mentally facepalmed.

" don't seem to live in a nature-oriented place." Brackenfur meowed.

"No, I lived in a city. Petropolis." Kitty responded as they headed towards the moor.

"This is home to one of the clans, WindClan." Brackenfur explained.

Kitty looked on and noticed a male brown tabby and two females chasing a rabbit. They circled around it till the brown tabby pummeled it with his paws till it fell dead. Then one of the females picked up the rabbit as the other two cats continued to search for prey.

"Males are called toms and females are called she-cats. They call you guys that back in Petropolis, right?" Brackenfur asked.

"No, males are called guys, dudes, boys, or men, while females are called girls, women, or ladies." Kitty explained.

"Way too complicated." Brackenfur laughed as they moved ahead towards the Thunderpath.

"This is the line between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, but sometimes we have to take it to get to the Moonstone." Brackenfur explained.

They went back to the Owl Tree and past some water till they were at some rocks.

"Sunningrocks, ThunderClan and RiverClan have battled over this piece for many moons." Brackenfur meowed. "Moons are about thirty sunrises."

So a month then. Kitty thought to herself.

After Brackenfur showed Kitty the rest of the territory from Snakerocks to Twolegplace while explaining to her all the terms the clan uses, they returned to ThunderClan camp.

"Enjoyed the tour?" Brackenfur asked.

"I did." Kitty meowed. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Brackenfur meowed. "Perfect timing, the dawn patrol is back."

Kitty turned around to see Graystripe, Brambleclaw, Cloudtail, and Rainpaw back with lots of fresh-kill.

Graystripe was carrying a plump rabbit, and he was heading towards Kitty.

Before Graystripe spoke, Cinderpelt jumped in between Kitty and Graystripe.

"I assume you were going to feed that to the five hungry elders waiting for you." Cinderpelt said with a hiss in her voice.

Graystripe and Cinderpelt then sat right next to the elder's den.

"Why? They're going to die anyway! I was about to have some with Softpaw!" Graystripe growled.

"YOU SOUND LIKE BROKENSTAR!" Cinderpelt snapped. "Feeding the elders IS part of the warrior code! Graystripe, are you mentally insane?!"

Before Graystripe answered, Cinderpelt picked up the rabbit and walked into the elder's den. She dropped the rabbit between Frostfur and Dappletail.

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