Grudges against Kitty

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"Border patrol near Sunningrocks."

Kitty looked up to see Cloudtail standing over her. It had been a half-moon since the traumatic fox attack at the gathering.

"OK." Kitty muttered, getting up.

Ashfur, Mousefur, and her apprentice were waiting in the clearing.

"Let's go." Mousefur meowed, Cloudtail nodded and they both leaded the way while Kitty and Spiderpaw followed.

Kitty knew Cloudtail wasn't quite over the fact that his apprentice gave up to be taught by Cinderpelt, so Brackenfur must've let Cloudtail take her with.

They seemed ruffled by the fact that RiverClan owned Sunningrocks for the time being. Mousefur bared her teeth as Riverclan elders threw themselves on the rocks and basked in the sun.

Two RiverClan apprentices ran in front of Cloudtail's patrol.

"Huh! Can't touch us on these rocks!" a white she-cat apprentice chuckled.

"Hey Icepaw!" the other one called. "I think they're on our territory!"

"I think you're right, Mintpaw!" Icepaw growled, unsheathing her claws.

Mousefur glanced at Cloudtail and looked back at the two proud apprentices. She unsheathed her claws as well.

"Stay back" Mousefur hissed. "Or I'll have both of your blood on my paws."

"Make us, old furball!" Icepaw snarled.

"Woah!" a pale gray she-cat snapped, a brown tom running behind her. "Are you two fish-brains seriously trying to pick a fight with ThunderClan warriors after a devastating fox attack?!"

"I thought I taught my apprentice better than that!" the brown tom snarled.

"Sorry Loudbelly." the male apprentice apologized.

"You better apologize to me as well, Icepaw!" the pale she-cat growled.

"What do I have to say sorry for?! Being loyal?!" Icepaw retorted.

"There's a difference between being loyal and being reckless." the she-cat explained. "Now apologize or you'll be picking ticks from elders for a moon!"

"Sorry Dawnflower." Icepaw growled.

"Good." Dawnflower purred. Then she looked at Cloudtail's patrol and bared her teeth. "Stay off our territory."

The four RiverClan cats walked away. Kitty would never admit it, but she wished that Hawkpaw had been there.

I might've gotten to say sorry for killing his sister. Kitty's ears flattened, she wasn't sure if she could look him in the eye and tell him that.

"You alright, Softpaw?" Spiderpaw asked, his tail flicking side to side.

"Yeah." Kitty replied. "I'm fine."

"Good, Brackenfur says you have battle training this sunhigh." Mousefur replied.

"With who?" Kitty asked.

"Shrewpaw." Cloudtail replied. "Brackenfur and Thornclaw want to see that you're learning just fine."

In case RiverClan gets too comfortable, obviously!

"Cool." Kitty replied as they headed back.

Sunhigh, Brackenfur and Thornclaw lead their apprentices to the Sandy Hollow.

"I need to make sure you're well ready for attacks." Brackenfur explained. "Shrewpaw, attack her. Softpaw, attack after he pounces."

Kitty nodded. Shrewpaw pushed his front legs against his chest and leaped. Kitty rolled out of the way and bit his left ear.

Shrewpaw flipped around and they both stood on their hind legs fighting blow for blow till Shrewpaw tripped on a twig and a strong blow from one of Kitty's paws sent him spinning till he fell.

"Not good enough." Thornclaw hissed at his apprentice. Shrewpaw's eyes were ones full of hurt. He got up and lunged at Kitty with eyes full of fury. Kitty fell on her back and used her hind paws to kick him away. He fell but got up and unsheathed his claws. Brackenfur got in the middle.

"STOP!" Brackenfur snarled. "Shrewpaw, you never unsheathe your claws when you practice, at all."

"Go check the elders for ticks, now." Thornclaw growled. Shrewpaw walked away, his tail treading the dirt. Brackenfur turned to his apprentice.

"You fought well." Brackenfur said with a nod.

"Thank you, Brackenfur, I-"

"Everyone come together!" Graystripe yowled, Ashfur and Mousefur following.

Kitty was surprised by the sadness and misery in Mousefur's gaze, what had happened?

"Mousefur is expecting Ashfur's kits!" Graystripe purred. "Cloudtail, you may mentor Spiderpaw instead!"

She wants to be a mentor, not a mother.

Kitty felt sympathy until Mousefur glared at her, eyes full of hatred. Kitty looked alarmed.

What did I do?!

Mousefur walked down the Highrock and into the Nursery, Kitty followed her.

Brightheart and her daughter were eating fresh-kill, so Kitty and Mousefur were the only ones in the nursery. Mousefur turned on her, eyes full of tears.

"Why did you do this to me?" Mousefur wailed. "I need to train my apprentice!"

"Technically, Ashfur did that to you." Kitty growled.

"You know what I MEAN!" Mousefur yowled, taking Kitty by surprise.

"Actually, I don't." Kitty replied with a shrug.

"Graystripe wanted to to have an apprentice when you become a warrior, so he lead me and Ashfur to Snackrocks and told me to mate with Ashfur so I could expect his kits, and when I said no, Graystripe ordered Ashfur to...attack me." Mousefur explained.

"He mated with you and you tried to escape?" Kitty asked. Mousefur nodded.

"But when?" Kitty asked again.

"A quarter-moon ago." Mousefur cried. "I didn't realize you did not know about this, he made it sound like you did."

"I'm truly sorry." Kitty purred. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Thank you." Mousefur replied before sinking into sleep.

Kitty stormed out of the Nursery with unsheathed claws. She was livid.


Kitty walked up to Thornclaw.

"Excuse me, Thornclaw, but where is Graystripe?" Kitty asked, flicking her tail.

"Hunting patrol." Thornclaw answered. "Why, you need him?"

"Not now." Kitty replied. She walked over till Cinderpelt limped out of the medicine cat's den, she scented Kitty and turned around.

"You." Cinderpelt hissed under her breath before limping back in the medicine cat's den.

Soon, night had fallen upon ThunderClan and Kitty curled up in the apprentice's den till a "thump" noise woke her up. Before she lifted her head she felt claws sink into her back and a nose brush her ear.

"Ready to die?" a familar voice hissed.

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