Death, Stress, and Battle!

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Kitty froze, she lifted her head only for it to be slammed back down in the dirt. Suddenly the cat dragged her clumsily into the clearing. It was Cinderpelt.

"Cinderpelt!" Kitty hissed. "What in the name of Clans do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh, quit acting like you've always been a clan cat!" Cinderpelt snarled, her head tilted the other way, since she was blind.

"I'm over here, mouse-brain." Kitty snarled, the ThunderClan word slipping out of her mouth like honey. Cinderpelt's claws unsheathed and she ran past Kitty and pounced on a rock. Kitty laughed.

"I'll KILL YOU!" Cinderpelt snarled, she leaped straight into Kitty and clawed her shoulders. Kitty shook the frail she-cat off with ease.

Then Kitty spun around and sank her teeth into Cinderpelt's tail, Cinderpelt turned around and her claws barely met Kitty's nose. Kitty snarled and pulled Cinderpelt's tail so hard that she spun into a tree.

"You monster!" Cinderpelt growled, keeping her volume low so the others didn't wake up. Graystripe, whom was on watch, noticed Cinderpelt charging at Kitty.

"NO!" Graystripe cried, he leaped in the way and swung a hard unsheathed blow at Cinderpelt's neck. Cinderpelt spiraled dazed-like till she fell dead in front of her apprentice, Rainpaw, whom looked traumatized looking at his mentor's dead body.

Rainpaw stood in horror as Graystripe stalked toward him with eyes full of fire.

"Tell anyone and I'll take your life."

Rainpaw nodded and retreated to the burrow. Graystripe looked at Kitty, this time his eyes were full of malice. He lifted Cinderpelt's body in his jaws and carried her off.

He killed his own medicine cat, threatened her apprentice, carelessly dissed his elders, scratched multiple cats, anyone that put me in harm's way he'd make wish they'd never been born, he's insane.

Kitty turned around to flee back into the apprentice's den but Graystripe fell upon her and sunk his claws into her already injured shoulders.

"Mate with me, and I'll let you live." Graystripe purred evilly.

"What?! NEVER!" Kitty yowled, she turned to face him and gave his face a series of scratches before escaping from under him and taking off without a second thought.

She hid in Sunningrocks for several sunrises, Hawkpaw was pleasantly surprised at her appearance and brought her fresh-kill whenever he went out hunting, eventually, she gave him thanks and returned to ThunderClan.

The Clan was buzzing with gossip at her return, she ignored them and went straight into the Nursery. Mousefur was waiting, her belly was swollen with kits.

"I see you've returned." Mousefur muttered, Kitty noticed a nick on Mousefur's ear.

"Wondering what this is?!" Mousefur growled as she tilted her nicked ear towards the sunlight flitering from the Nursery. "Graystripe started abusing me since you left, telling me it was my fault that you left."

"What else did he say?" Kitty whispered.

"Well he said Cinderpelt got killed by the foxes we had previously chased out and lead us to where she was killed." Mousefur explained. "And he told the rest of the Clan that I chased you out after telling you about the kits."

Kitty stood in paralyzed horror, her face screaming pain. How could Graystripe do this?!

"He needs to be taught a lesson, once and for all." Kitty snarled. Before Mousefur could answer, Cloudtail and his new apprentice came in.

"We're going on a hunting patrol on Snakerocks with Thornclaw." Spiderpaw meowed. "Wanna come with us?"

"No thank you, I've got a lot on my mind right now." Kitty replied, Spiderpaw nodded and ran out of the Nursery.

"My apprentice!" Mousefur wailed. "I should be taking him to Snackrocks, not that kittypet!"

"I'll go hunt you something." Kitty replied, gave Mousefur's nicked ear a quick lick and took off.

She tried hard to avoid Graystripe's glare-of-death as she ran to Sunningrocks.

Her mind whirled with pain and agony as she crossed the trees. She stopped when she saw Rainpaw touching his nose to Cinderpelt's flank.

"He wouldn't even hold a vigil for her." He cried, his eyes looking straight at Kitty. "So I did myself."

"I'm so sorry." Kitty cried with mournful sorrow, she had no idea why Cinderpelt had hated her so much, but she did not deserve to die.

Kitty brushed her pelt against Rainpaw's as she buried her nose into Cinderpelt's cold fur. Rainpaw cried silently as Kitty lifted herself up, but before she could leave to hunt, Rainpaw said:

"You should never have came to ThunderClan."

He's right, the Chief only wanted me to study your guys's lifestyles and I did all this!

Kitty's tail drooped as she crawled towards Sunningrocks. She felt horrible for what she had done to ThunderClan.

She scrambled up the rocks and realized with horror that she was on RiverClan territory, out in the open.

Suddenly, Mistyfoot and Blackclaw burst through the reeds. Blackclaw pinned Kitty to the ground.

"Hey!" Kitty growled, she kicked up her back foot, it's claws digging into Blackclaw's ribs. Blackclaw yowled and leaped off her. Leopardstar appeared with Loudbelly, Skyheart, Mallowtail, Dawnflower, Hawkpaw, Mintpaw, and Icepaw behind her.

"Told you we'd return!" Icepaw yowled with triumph. "Prepare to feel the wrath, ThunderClan!"

"No, WAI-" But Leopardstar and her cats broke past Kitty and dived straight into ThunderClan territory. Kitty looked in horror as the many cats swarmed into her Clan's territory.

"NO, GET BACK HERE!" Kitty snarled, she fled after them. Rainpaw looked at her with eyes full of shock as she leaped gracefully over Cinderpelt's body and ran past the thorn bushes. She dashed with anger in her eyes.

"They're not going to get away with this." Kitty snarled as she leaped into the clearing, her claws unsheathed and ready to defend her Clan.

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